Chapter Thirty Seven: Disagreeing and Agreeing

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I walked out an they followed me. "Why do you have too always start arguments?" "You come up to me and proceed to act like my dad!" "Asking questions are different." "Yes they are, but you have no right to act like you own every song I write!" "We can tell people we do." "So what your saying is that you can tell people lies?" "No!" "Then what?" "Well..." "You don't know, do you?" "No!" "You can't say no to everything." 

Amy speaking. This whole chapter is White Lily arguing with Golden cheese and Hollyberry.

"But we can." "If you do you'll end up lying, but you should have known that." Hollyberry gave me an annoyed look, I just smirked. "Your so hard to agree with." "I'm quite easy, in fact Brown Sugar and me agree on almost everything!" "Ugh! Brown Sugar cookie, why do you like her so much? She's just a cookie, a very annoying cookie in fact." "You are just jealous, aren't you? When every I hang out with her you tell me too stop. I am right you act like my dad! Telling me who I can and can't hang out with." "White Lily! Just stop! You always are with her. Where every you are she's there! When she's not around Pure Vanilla is there! What about me and Hollyberry? What about us?" "If you had stopped acting like my dad, then this wouldn't have to go down hill." Golden cheese started to open her mouth, but Hollyberry spoke before she had the chance too. "It's always about you isn't it? Always!" "Sorry. I'm sorry I was being stupid." we both looked at Golden cheese. "Why?" "Because were always fighting! Always! And I'm tired of stupid arguments." I looked at Hollyberry who rolled her eyes, and Golden cheese saw. "How about we settle this the old fashion way, with... Video games!" I nodded and said. "Super Smash Bros!" and with that we ran to Golden cheese's house.

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