Chapter Twenty Five: Beach Day

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I ran outside only to remember that I needed to change. I walked back and changed into a white dress, white sandals and a cherry blossom hair tie. I grabbed my bag and set off to the soda beach. When I reached the beach I saw Brown Sugar their alone. She looked adorable! Brown Sugar was wearing a light blue dress, matching sandals and a light, white cardigan. I smiled and waved at her, she did the same. We chatted for a few until Pure Vanilla came with the group. I smiled and waved and they smiled and waved back. The girls, being Golden cheese and Hollyberry looked at me and I gave them a cold smile. Pure Vanilla and Brown Sugar didn't seem to notice but they did. "Are you okay, or are you mental?" Golden cheese asked in a sugar sweet voice, it was sicking. "You know that Dark Enchantress cookie is part of me right? So try living my life, or do you like being a spoiled brat?" I replied. It seemed that they forgot about that one small thing. "Sorry." Golden cheese and Hollyberry whispered, I smirked and walked away.  Pure Vanilla and me talked about books, and he brought a few, he gave me one of them "Berry Potter and the Sorceress Stone." I read a bit and loved it. 

Amy speaking. I love Harry Potter and decided to change it to "Berry Potter." I thought it would be cool and funny. Back to the story.

Pure Vanilla then dragged me to the soda shore. "I don't want to get soggy." I said. "You won't" he said reassuringly, but I could tell he had other plans. It's his smile, it say a lot. I walked with him to the shore were he picked me up! He started to swing me, back and forth, waiting to throw me in. He stopped swinging, and I thought I was safe, until he did it again. I screamed, really loud. "Stop! Please! I Don't Want To Die!" He stopped and laughed, he kissed my forehead and laughed again as he set me down. I walked away predating to pout, but I couldn't hide my smile. "I saw you and Pure Vanilla, you guys are so cute!" I blushed. "What about Dark Cacao?" I asked as I saw her blush. "What about him?" 'You like him, don't you?" she blushed and nodded. "I knew it!" She blushed and turned her head around, at the same time Dark Cacao came. "Speaking of the cookie, here he is." I whispered. He sat down and I was surprised to see him chatting away with Brown Sugar cookie. I found Pure Vanilla and we both walked to the boardwalk, I saw a shaved ice place and dragged him towards it. We both ordered our shaved ice and when it came I was delighted. I got lemon blossom, and Vanilla got rose cherry. When we finished we both walked to Dark Cacao and Brown Sugar. I was surprised that they weren't there, but we saw them eating soft serve. We both sat down and I started to read again. The soda beach closed in a couple hours so we left. I got home, took of my shoes, ate dinner and got ready for bed, all of that boring stuff and Diary, I think that they like her more. Good night.

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