Chapter Fourty: Red Specks

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Red specks, only Dark Enchantress cookie has red specks, or had. I heard the door open down stairs and I walked down to see who it was, and I was suprised to see dad. "Dad?" "Yes?" "How come you never told me about Honey Academy?" "Oh, I never went there." "But mom did." "Yes, well your mom and Mrs. Vanilla did." "Mrs. Vanilla told me." "Mrs. Vanilla came today!" "Yes?" "I was late! I thought she was coming for lunch!" "She came for brunch." "Are you sure?" "Yes." He looked as if it was the worst thing that could have happend. "Are you okay?" He shook his head and ran to his bedroom. I stood there shocked. What could have been so important? I walked back to my room and shrugged it off. I ws more worried about why no cookie was telling me anything. Why was Honey Academy so unimportant? Or is it important? I started to flip through my mom's year book again, this time I found a picture of my mom in the baking club. I was confused. And she was with Mrs. Vanilla. I walked down stairs and fighted the urge to ask the maids. Instead I put on my black and white sneakers, grabbed my black backpack and walked to the Kingdom in the Sky. I didn't quite know where to go, but I saw cookie walk up to a waterfall and typed in some sort of code which opened the waterfall. I ran to the waterfall and slowed myself down to a walk when I got to the waterfall. The guy smiled and was okay with me being on the waterfall, although he did look a bit shocked. I smiled softly and he eased up a bit. We stood in silence though, and when we got to the Kingdom in the Sky, we parted ways, and I got discracted from all of the sights. I saw clothing stores, and soda lakes, but the thing that caught my eye the most was the food vendors! There was simple doughnut, soft serve, shaved ice. The basic summer treats. But to me the one I stopped by for food was... mochi! I orderd lemon and rasberry mochi. which is rasberry flavored rice dough with lemon ice cream in the middle. I sat down by one of the soda lakes and started to chow down on my mochi. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't look back. Multipule people were have picnics here so I wasn't worried, until I heard someone sit next to me. I looked to my left and saw Pure Vanilla. "Hi." I said softly. "Hi, Lily." He looked at me and asked."Lily? What are you doing here." I chuckled softly. "Wanted to see your mom, I have some questions about mine." "Well, then lets go!" He said grabbing my hand and started to run to his home. When we got there he took me to the "living room" To me it was less of a living room and more of a bedroom, living room and ballroom combined. It was huge! I saw Mrs. Vanilla's hair  peaking from the top of the couch. "Mrs. Vanilla?" "Lily! What a suprise!" I smiled softly. "I have some questions about my mom." "Ask away." "My mom, she had red specks in her eyes, correct?" "Yes..." "Why?" "She was unwell." "My mom had red specks every since I could rember. She couldn't have been unwell for that long, she must have been cured by then." I knew I was starting an argumeent, but I also knew I wanted answers. "There was no cure when we were younger." "But there could have been a cure when I was born, am I wrong?" I could tell she was suprised I was holding up an argumeent. "No, but there wasn't a cure." "Was red specks even a sickness?" "Yes it was." I wasn't beliving that, but I wanted to see what Mrs. Vanilla would say. "Is it rare?" "Yes." "Did anyone else have it?" "No. Just your mom." I was annoyed, not at what she said about only my mom, but at how she was lying. "Why are you asking though?" "I looked at my mom's year book and saw that she had red specks in her eyes, like me." "Then you must be ill." "But I'm not." "That's what your mom said." "My mom was never sick! She was fine!" "How do you know." "She would have died when I was born, but she didn't." "How would you know." Mrs. Vanilla scoffed. I looked at her and wondered if she thought I was stupid. "I rember her! She died when I was five! You were there!" "Why does Pure Vanilla even talk about you?" "I don't know, maybe because I know the diffrence between the truth and lies." Pure Vanilla, was standing there through the whole "converstion" and it was kind of easy to tell he didn't know I could start or hold argumeent. I smiled got up and when I reached the door I said. "Thanks for your time." And left.

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