Chapter 8: The Unbelievable Boy

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°Before we get into this one. I do not own the Godly franchise that Kakegurui. I also don't own Kakegurui Twin/Futago. I only own this story and most of my characters Deque isn't my creation.°



"Hijindōteki Deque. What brings you here?" Looking down on the fallen model Shady asked while sticking his hand out to help up Mikura Sado and another fallen girl. "Are you ok? Sado-Chan and uhh...?

Holding on to Shady's right hand was a girl with blue hair. She wore her hair in a ponytail with a white ribbon with her bangs parted at the middle and blue eyes. She was dressed in the standard uniform issued to female students at Hyakkaou Private Academy: red blazer with black trim lining the cuffs and collar, white button-up dress shirt and black string tie, and brown loafers with black soles.

The blue haired girl pulled her hand back from Shady and turned her head away flustered. "I-I'm Miharutaki. Miharutaki Sakura. President of the beautification committee."

"So you're a member of the Student Council huh? Wanna battle? I'll give you ¥294 000 000." With fire in his eyes and a smirk on his face, Shady challenged the President of the beautification committee.

Right as Shady challenged the beautification committee president Sachiko slap his on the head from behind. "Rule 1 Yokubōbami, Don't go challenging everyone you see. I just won you. Plus seeing as you literally just held a gamblong match with you as the prize I forbid you from gambling with out giving me details of the fucking match. Agreed?"

Sachiko grabbed The Yokubōbami biy by his shirt and stared deep into his sparkly violet eyes. She was aware of how quickly Shady was to bet himself she witnessed it twice. His recklessness was something she knew she had to be careful of.

"Ohh come on Juraku-Sama. Don't kill my fu-" Shady threw a mini tantrum going as UwU as possible while doinging it swiftly being shut up by Sachiko grabbing him by the neck and pushing him against the wall. "Kubishimeru Juraku-Sama." His voice deepening and his right eye beginning to glow Shady seductively bit his bottom lip as Juraku began to Choke him.

Sachiko sighed loudly and released her grip on Shady's neck. "You are a cute one aren't Yokubōbami. I'm glad you're all mine. Sado..." Sachiko winked at Shady and walked away from him to a visibly angry Mikura Sado.

As Sachiko was speaking with Mikura, Hijindōteki sighed heavily and began to walk pass Shady with a visibly angry Melissa behind him.

"To answer your question from earlier Shady... I'm here to Speak to President Momobami." Looking back at Shady with a smirk Deque pulled out a list from his pocket and slammed it onto the table where Kirari Momobami and Ushiiwaka Tsuka were gambling.

Turning his head back to Kirari he raised his fist an gave a thumbs up as he shut his eyes and said... "[UwU] It's done Momobami-Sama. I've started my club and already have over 20 member from both genders. I've completed the task you gave me. Now does this solidify my seat in the Student Council as president of the Modeling club."

"No." Not even looking at him the white haired 2nd year girl denied him the victory he thought he obtained. "Did you get a room."

With a dejected look on his face the golden eyed boy sadly confimed that he did not obtain a room for his club. Just like Yokubōbami did earlier Hijindōteki threw a tantrum. "But it's not fair." He yelled in his cutest voice.

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