Chapter 12: The "Roulette" boy III

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°Before we get into it... I still don't own anything Kakegurui. Yup I know I know even you are wondering why A celestial being like me doesn't Own Kakegurui. Well it's because I have no currency, none. But atleast I own my Characters... Except for Deque, but still thought is ayyt. I own the changes to the plot thought. Uhh yea. Uhm It's bath time.°



DISMAYED AND DISAPPOINTED, Sachiko applauded Kyonyū on her victory while staring a hole into Hijindōteki's soul, her eyes were a clear indication of how she was feeling in that moment, the feeling... Of dissatisfaction.

"What an interesting girl... Utsukushi-Sa Kyonyū, why don't I know that name? Anyway... Hijindōteki, come take a seat here by me. Lets have a chat." The tone of her voice had a layer of many different feelings behind it but the most notable was of course disappointment.

Sachiko Juraku.

Status: Human

Role: Student Council. Public morals committee Chairwoman.

Reluctantly, Hijindōteki held the L and violently threw himself onto the the chair on Sachiko's left and crossed his arms while blanketing his Golden eyes with his eyelids sighing heavily out his mouth in anger.

"Proud of yourself Hijindōteki. You've single-handedly made me doubt Kirari's intelligence. Care to explain the loss?" Crossing her legs and keeping her cold eyes on Yokubōbami, Sachiko questioned Hijindōteki and he responded in silence.

"Hey Hijindōteki! When Sachiko talks to yo-" Sado stood up from her chair in attemps of lecture Hijindōteki who shut her up with an irritated murderous glare.

Mikura Sado.

Status: Housepet

Role: Sachiko's personal bitch

"You see when your built like a bitch..." Overpowering Hijindōteki with her hope striping eyes, Sachiko reestablished dominance and grinned as Hijindōteki backed off... "... Can I have my explanation now Deque."

"Fine... I fucked up thats what happened. It's up to Yokubōbami now. He had better play his role perfectly. [UwU] Oh and my sincerest apologies Sado-Chan I was just a bit heated after my loss." Sighing loudly out from his mouth in annoyance and regaining composure He locked his eyes on Shady, then slowly drew his gaze to Kyonyū and a small grin formed on his face.

Hijindōteki Deque

Status: Human

Role: Student council (Trail Member), President of the Modeling club.

"I trust Shady. If there is anything I picked up from this match is that Yokubōbami is great at flipping cheats meant to disadvantage him into power boosts to his victory. I say he's got this." Hijindōteki blanketed his eyes once again and sat uninterested in the match, its as if he already knew the out come of this match.


AT THE GAMBLING table, Humberto took a sigh of relief after Kyonyū's victory but he was still a bit on edge, concerned for his boss Nishikiyama.

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