018| Detention

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February 4, 1975

That night was their first detention with the Slytherin Quidditch team. Everyone, regardless of their house, was hoping to get done tonight. They didn't want to spend any more time with the other team than they had to. Considering how many players were on each team, cleaning all the trophies shouldn't take too long.

"I still can't believe you guys did that," Mary MacDonald shakes her head from the couch she and Marlene McKinnon had been sitting on together.

"Don't say 'you guys,'" Marlene grumbles, whipping her head towards James and Sirius. Her short blonde hair fans out around her, catching Peter's attention. "It was these two idiots."

"Oh, don't act like you didn't know about their plan to cheat anyway," Lily scolds. She had homework splayed out on the table in front of her. She barely looked up to judge them, but everyone could still feel the intensity of her scolding.

"Now, now, Lilyflower, it wasn't cheating. We were merely-"

"Potter, I swear to Godric, if you say you were using your resources again, I will shove your broomstick so far up your arse it'll come out of your big mouth," Lily threatens, pointing her finger warningly in James's direction. She had looked up from her homework now, her striking green eyes boring into James's dark brown orbs.

Everyone is silent as they register what Lily just said. Remus tries to suppress his laugh, but he catches Sirius's eye, and they both burst out laughing. Marlene and Mary join in while James's face goes red, and Peter pats his shoulder comfortingly. Lily just rolls her eyes at the group, but a small smile appears on her face.

"We really should get going, though. If we're late, they might add more days to the detention," Marlene says once she stopped laughing.

So, Marlene, Sirius, and James say goodbye to their friends before heading out of the portrait hole. It wasn't a long walk to the trophy room, but they spent the entirety wondering what would happen to the rest of their Quidditch season. It filled them with anxiety since they all loved Quidditch. For Sirius, it was a good distraction from all the drama in his personal life. For James, it was one of the only things he was truly passionate about. And Sirius figured Marlene loved it because she was insanely competitive. They were the last ones to arrive at the detention, earning eye rolls from the Slytherin team.

One particular Slytherin kept his eyes trained on Filch. Regulus Black was trying to avoid his older brother's gaze. Things had been rocky between them for a while. They obviously still loved each other since they were brothers and best friends for the past thirteen years. But, with the recent rise in dark magic and their differing opinions, the brothers were growing apart. To be honest, it was a little more than growing apart. Sirius couldn't help but be angry with his little brother for being such a coward and doing whatever their parents said.

James nudged his friend and gave him a look, asking what was wrong with Sirius. Sirius just smiled and tried to think of something to get the attention off of him. "Sorry, I just forgot how ugly the Slytherin team was. I guess it tends to happen when the inbreeding starts," Sirius jokes just loud enough for the Slytherins to hear but for Filch not to.

This earned a particularly nasty glare from Mulciber. But Lance Wright pulled Mulciber to the side before he could pick another fight and earn them more detention. Once Filch finally finished giving instructions and confiscated everyone's wands, they began their punishment. Neither house took the initiative to work with the other. They just spoke quietly amongst their own.

"This is going to be the longest day of my life," Marlene grumbles after she finished polishing her first trophy. She looks at her face, warped by the curved bronze of the trophy. She widens her eyes and crosses them, smiling to herself before placing the trophy back in the case.

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