Chapter 13: It Wasn't Me

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Megatron was sitting on a cold metal chair, in front of a cold metal table, in a cold metal room. He was shackled to the table by his wrists, the chain clicking with every subtle movement he made. He glanced at the other body in the room, Roller, who was looking very unhappy.

"So...Galvatron, was it? What were you doing in the radio station?" He seemed displeased.

Megatron sat casually, leaning against the chair, "I was trying to stop someone." He answered.

"Who were you trying to stop?" Roller asked.

Megatron paused, he wanted to say Orion's name but knew that if he did, he'd be called insane (which isn't necessarily wrong but still won't help) and thrown back into an asylum. So he did the next best thing.

"Optimus Prime." He answered, Roller looked at him with an arched brow.

"What the fuck is a name like that?" He muttered to himself, soon another cop rolled in, and handed Roller a manila folder, Megatron watched as they huddled together and looked over it, Roller occasionally shooting him a glance. He soon saw the cop give the other one a nod and watch as he left. Roller pulled out a piece of paper and slid it forth, Megatron looked at it.

It was a capture of security cam footage, he was walking down a hall, hood up and a stony expression on his face.

"Mind telling me what you're doing there?" Roller asked.

Megatron felt his spark freeze for a split second but didn't crack, "That's not me."

"Sure looks like you." Roller retorted.

Megatron sniffed, "Still not me."

Roller nodded, "Uh huh."

"This is the last person who knows what happened to the band The Seekers." Roller continued.

"That overrated group of one hit wonders?" Megatron asked.

Roller shot him a dirty look, "They're local heroes."

"No they're not. They used an innocent bot as a sacrifice to Unicron for fame and fortune!" He snapped.

Roller shook his head, "You're fucking insane, just like Orion's amica."

Megatron broke, he was sick of this, he has been in this cold tiny room for hours, he's tired, cranky, and still covered in dried energon. He wants to take a shower and a nap.

"I am not fuking insane!" He roared, then froze. Roller looked at him in shock.

"Megatron?" He asked warily.

Megatron sighed in annoyance, "Surprise."

Roller stopped the recorder, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Megatron leaned back, "Stopping more innocents from dying, but lately I'm two for two."

Roller looked at him, jaw open, "You-You-You were locked away in an asylum!"

"I broke free, dumbass. No wonder Orion loved to fuck you, you're dim as a burnt lightbulb." He rolled his optics.

Roller blinked, "Orion's dead. You killed him."

Megatron looked at him, "I had my reason."

"And what was that reason?" Roller asked, glaring.

Megatron glared back, "Orion Pax is evil."

"Orion is dead!" He snapped, "Why do you use present tense!"

"Because he's back from the dead, duh. And has a hate boner for me." Megatron sat back all casual still.

Roller got up from his seat, annoyed, seriously Megatron must have really gone coo coo. All this talk about sacrifices and dead people coming back to life, it's like something out of a cheesy horror movie that is so predictable. But, deep in his processor, something is nagging at him. That maybe he was right, maybe Orion really is back, as this Optimus Prime persona. In a weird way it did make sense sorta.

After Orion's death, the killings that were plaguing the town, young bots dying just short of their high school graduation by being ripped apart and eaten, did stop.

He knew he was gonna regret this, but he unlocked Megatron's cuffs. The other mech looked at him in shock.

"You have one chance. One. Chance, to prove that Orion is back and is this demon thing you blab about."

Megatron nodded and got up, he followed Roller to where the cop cars are parked and climbed into the passenger seat. Roller got in after him and turned the engine on.

"So, where is Orion's home?"

"That's the problem, I don't know, he always comes to me first." Megatron answered, looking out the window.

Roller sighed, and drove.

This is gonna be a long drive.

And indeed it was a long drive, but through a stroke of luck, they were parked outside of the house of Orion. It was late, the moon was out, the sky was inky dark.

Roller was about to call it in but soon Megatron smacked him in the chest and pointed to a window.

"There!" He said with a bit too much energy.

Roller looked at the window, it was quite high up, and was lit up. In front of it was a mech who had familiar colors, black and purple.

"Where's the binoculars?" He rummaged through the glovebox, quickly.

"Here." Megatron found them and shoved them into his servos, Roller got them and held them up and viewed through them.

Holy shit. Megatron was right.

It is Orion, alive and kicking and just as handsome as ever. He was walking over to something, a chair near him, he watched as he sat down on it gracefully. Orion was wiping his face with a small white washcloth. Must have done buffing and polish.

Roller was mesmerized, Orion was busy checking his reflection, then he grabbed something, it was metallic and shiny.

It was sharp.

Soon Roller could only gasp in shock and horror as Orion stabbed himself in the cheek with the sharp metal object, without flinching. But Roller did flinch.

Then Orion moved the sharp instrument down his cheek, slicing it open, fresh pink energon flowing from the cut like a waterfall, staining the perfectly smooth metal pink, then he moved the instrument across his derma, like a twisted version of lipstick, staining his lips a bright shade of pink, and soon sliced the other cheek in a single strike.

Roller could only watch in pure horror as he saw Orion carve his face up like that, but soon it got even more horrifying.

The cuts started mending themselves, the metal molding back together like a liquid, as if magically fixing itself. Soon Orion had a perfectly smooth face, with no damage whatsoever. A harsh sharp line was made from the energon, Orion soon got up and left, seemingly to wash up.

"It's like some Outlier shit, right?" Megatron asked, causing Roller to snap out of his frightened daze, he shakily lowered the binoculars and sat back in his seat.

"Why did you say it like that?" He asked, looking at him.

Megatron shrugged, "Because that is what he said to me."

Roller simply nodded, and shakily turned the car back on, and drove off. 

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