Chapter 14: Roller

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Back at the station parking lot, Megatron and Roller sat in the cruiser, silent. They didn't share a glance, it felt awkward, too awkward. Too awkward to look at one another, to breathe, to move.

Soon it got too much, and Roller broke the silence.

"What the fuck just happened?" He asked, in shock still.

"You witnessed the jailbait you were fucking as a cadet mutiliate his face only for it to grow back?" Megatron responded sarcastically.

Roller shot him a glare, "I know what I saw! I'm just wondering.... What the fuck happened that made him like this?"

Megatron sighed and got comfy, it was gonna be a long night.

Roller looked at him, confused, but Megatron simply asked, "Remember the fire five years ago?"

"Yeah, I managed to get out via the snatch hatch."

Megatron nodded, "Yeah, well, we did as well, Orion was just... out of it, he acted like he was drugged or roofied or something, then the lead singer, fuck I forgot her name."

"Elita?" Roller provided.

"Yeah, her." Megatron nodded, "She sneaked up from behind, offering Orion high grade, saying he's in shock or something. He took it and went with her to her creepy van."

"Wait, they gave him high grade?" Roller interrupted.

"Yeah. They did, so they drove off, I was in the parking lot."

"What did they do to him?" Roller asked.

"They took him to the Falls, tied him down, and used him as a virgin sacrifice to Unicron."

"Except Orion isn't a virgin, hasn't been one since junior high." Roller said slowly.

Megatron nodded, "Yep. So, as a result demonic transference happened."

"Demonic what now?" Roller asked.

Megatron sighed, "Demonic transference occurs when you use a non-virgin in a virgin sacrifice, the results of the sacrifice still happen but the victim will become possessed and feast on the energon and fuel of others in order to maintain their life force. If he has eaten, he gets all glowy, and handsome. But after a while, he loses it and becomes cranky and loses his shine."

"How do you know all this?" Roller asked.

"I did research in the school library." Megatron answered simply.

"So all those deaths..." Roller's voice trailed off, the pieces of the puzzle coming together in his mind.

Megatron nodded, "Mirage, Swindle, Starscream, Smackdown, Brainstorm, all him."

Roller blinked, "So the cheek carving?"

Megatron nodded, "When he's full, like he is right now, he's virtually indestructible. I've seen it, but when he's hungry, he can die, but only with a blade to the spark."

"So that explains the boxcutter." Roller looked at the steering wheel.

"He put up a fight though, the bastard got me in the shoulder." Megatron rubbed the scars there.

"What else can he do?" Roller asked.

"He can levitate, heal from fatal wounds, and be hot."

"You seem to focus on the hot thing." Roller pointed out.

"I'm gay, Roller, it's kinda hard not to."

"I see, have you seen it in action?" Roller asked, to compartmentalize all this new info, he's entering cop mode, asking questions, gathering evidence.

"Yeah, saw him hover out of the dead pool after vomiting black bile like shit all over me and Starscream. And saw him get impaled with a pool skimmer."

"Holy shit." Roller exhaled.

"Did he say why he was killing those bots?"

Megatron shrugged, "He said they were placeholders, that they come and go."

Roller couldn't help but feel hurt by that, he and Orion weren't close sure but... he still liked him to a degree.

"Alright, my turn to interrogate, what happened to you after the fire?" Megatron shifted in his car seat to face Roller.

Roller paused, "I went home, I couldn't go to work to make a report, I was still a cadet. I didn't see the van or anything."

Megatron nodded, "And with Orion?"

"He stopped visiting all together. Never called or texted." He answered.

"Until you saw that I iced him with a boxcutter." Megatron replied.

Roller nodded.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Megatron asked.

Roller looked at him, "I'm gonna help you finish him."

Megatron looked at him in surprise, "Why?"

"Well, he's a serial killer, killed 5 people, needs to be stopped." Roller answered simply.

Megatron nodded, "Sure this isn't the cop academy talking?"

Roller looked, "It isn't. Plus it's not like you get the chance every day to kill a demon."

Megatron snorted, "Yeah, I guess you don't." 

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