Chapter Fifteen

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Vladimir's POV
After the rest of the Cullens got back, Edward helped me tell them about Stefan. Carlisle was the most upset about it, but Lorena made him understand that it wasn't consensual. Of course, they had all become extremely protective of Lorena and were just waiting for Stefan to show up, practically daring him to. I didn't want Stefan to show up because I didn't want him near Lorena, but the rest of the Cullens seemed ready for a fight. Seth, Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Leah are here as well. Several days went by with no sign of Stefan and Lorena and I were cuddled up on the couch downstairs while Lorena read a book. She was only wearing a dark purple sports bra and a pair of galaxy leggings. It took everything in me not to stare at her impressive cleavage and try to focus on the TV. I had never really been one for television, but I paid attention to it sometimes.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and all of us froze as we picked up Stefan's scent. What the fuck was he doing here? I had warned him. Jasper answered the door and Lorena went into another room after I asked her to. Stefan came into the living room and stopped in front of me. I stood up, giving him my best glare to intimidate him.

"Hello Vladimir." He said in a friendly tone and I suppressed a growl.

"Stefan." I acknowledged him stiffly.

"Where's Lorena?" He asked, looking around the living room.

"Elsewhere in the house. What is your concern with her? You shouldn't be here." I replied and looked over at Edward, realizing he was reading Stefan's mind without him knowing.

"I just wanted to talk to her, Vladimir. You needn't be so cold with me, I won't hurt you." Stefan said and I glared harder.

"We'll see." I answered, suspicious of him.

"You haven't told Lorena or the Cullens about what you have done, have you?" Stefan asked, a smirk settling on his face.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about, Stefan." I said, playing into his fantasy and ego.

"Oh really? You haven't told them how you betrayed their precious Lorena twice? That you begged me to suck you off at the cabin to distract yourself from the pain of your betrayal? I'm surprised at you, Vladimir. I thought you wanted to be open and honest with her, and them." Stefan said and I resisted the sudden urge to slap him across his smug face.

"They know, Stefan, I have already told them. I told them everything, including what you attempted to do and your true intentions. They know it wasn't consensual, they know you took advantage of me, and Lorena does too." I said in a calm voice, watching him become angry.

"You're lying Vladimir, if you had really told them, you wouldn't be here right now. You'd be at home with me, in the cabin. I love you, Vladimir, I want you." Stefan said angrily.

I smirked, "Oh Stefan, Stefan, Stefan, what am I to do with you? There were so many red flags in our friendship, things that I brushed off and thought nothing of. I see now that I was wrong about you, you aren't who you portray yourself to be. You don't love me, you're just jealous and want to possess me. Too bad your little fantasy won't come true." I looked down at my nails, pretending to be checking them for dirt.

"That's what you think, Vladimir, but I'll have you as my own one day. You'll see. You love me, you just don't know it yet. Either that or you're simply too fucking stubborn to accept it. I did everything for you, not that little bitch. After everything I did for you, this is how you repay me?" Stefan was trembling with rage.

I casually looked towards the dining room.

"Lorena, baby girl, come here please." I said and Lorena was at my side in a flash. I looked into her beautiful eyes and gently grabbed her chin, giving her a loving yet lustful look.

"Give Daddy some love." I murmured and leaned in and kissed her. She understood what I was trying to do and threaded her fingers through my hair, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss back. I chuckled and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and pressing her to the wall so that we were level.

I kissed Lorena deeply and started letting my hands roam all across her body. I grabbed at her ass, her vagina, her thighs, her hips, her breasts, kissing at her neck, doing whatever I could to prove to Stefan that he was wrong and to make him understand. I had to make him understand that him and I would never be together and I had no romantic or sexual interest in him whatsoever. I slipped two fingers inside Lorena's leggings and panties, slipping them inside her and thrusting them in and out slowly. I pulled away from the kiss.

"Such a good girl for Daddy, aren't you?" I asked her.

Lorena was breathing heavily as she bit her bottom lip and nodded "Mhm."

"Tell Stefan that I belong to you Princess, I don't think he understands." I murmured. Lorena turned her head and looked at Stefan.

"Daddy is mine, Stefan. You may as well give up. You can't have him." Lorena said.

"Alright Vladimir, that's enough. Put Lorena down." Carlisle said and I could hear the underlying threat of what would happen if I didn't. I put Lorena down as Stefan had his hands balled up at his sides.

"Why you ungrateful son of a bitch!" He shouted, shaking in rage.

"Carlisle, get him out of here! He wants to kill Lorena and Vladimir! If he can't have Vladimir, no one can!" Edward suddenly shouted.

"Emmett, Jasper, Jake, Seth, Quil, Embry, get Stefan out of here! Kill him if you have to!" Carlisle ordered.

I watched as they took Stefan out, holding Lorena closer to me. I was honestly scared, not for myself, but for Lorena. I didn't want anything to happen to her.

A few seconds later, I could hear Stefan screaming as they ripped him apart and got the fire going. Relief flooded me. Stefan would never again be a threat to Lorena. I hugged Lorena tightly and cried softly into her shoulder. I could've lost her.

"Shh Vladimir, shh, it's over, it's all over now. We're safe, we're safe, it's over, we're safe." Lorena reassured me over and over. I just held her and cried.

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