Chapter Twenty-Seven: You Seem Happy

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Circa Summer of '99

Being backstage with Paul, Kid, and Joanie was always a good time. They tried their best to keep my spirits up, and when Billy and Road Dogg were around, I could barely breathe between laughs. It wasn't always easy for me to be at these shows, especially with a baby, but they tried to make things better for me.

I brought Scottie a lot. They loved her, Paul especially. If I didn't bring her, they would be disappointed. At this point, I was beginning to think they liked her more than me.

I was grateful for the things they said (she looks just like you, she's so sweet), but I was more grateful for the things they didn't say (she has Shawn's eyes, he would be proud of her).

Everyone knew who her father was. After the scandal that was Shawn and I's relationship, how could they not? Word travels fast in wrestling locker rooms.

Gratefully, though, most people seemed to scared of my father to say anything. We all politely pretended I was the next virgin Mary and that worked well. If everyone backstage started making comments about Shawn to me, I would have broken down.

There were a couple people who tried to broach the conversation, but Paul and Joanie turned them down every time. I appreciated that.

Scottie was getting old enough to be passed around more often, and my friends all wanted their turn. Kid was always excited to see her, as much as he looked like he had never even seen a baby before.

I handed her over and chatted with Paul. Before I knew it, Kid had somehow turned Scottie upside down. I rushed forward, but Joanie got there first. She scooped Scottie out of Kid's arms and turned her the right way, shushing her since she was now crying.

"Sorry, Kat," Kid said sheepishly. "I don't know what to do with babies. But when she gets older, I'm gonna be the best uncle ever. I can teach her how to like, do stuff. No illegal stuff, though."

Paul threw an arm around his shoulder. "I think that's great, Kid. Every little girl needs to learn legal things."

I couldn't help but laugh. He was trying his best. "Thank you. I'm sure you'll be great."

"As long as you keep her right side up," Joanie commented. She bounced Scottie on her hip, and the little girl giggled.

"In my defense, she started wiggling," Kid argued. "It's her fault, really. Kat, your baby is like, really slippery."

"Oh, blame the baby," Joanie joked.

"Just imagine when she starts walking," I added. "You'll have to chase her."

"Oh, I can do that. No problem," Kid assured us.

Paul laughed. "You'll fall on your ass."

Joanie sent him a teasing glare. "No cussing in front of the baby."

"She doesn't know what it means," Paul argued back.

I couldn't help but laugh. In her short life, Scottie had heard more curse words than a sailor. "If I keep bringing her around here, her first word is either going to be 'fuck' or 'shit'."

"Fuck, it really is," Kid realized.

I gestured toward him. "I rest my case."

"We're trying," Paul said. "Kid probably most of all."

I had to grin at my friends. "Thank you, Kid. I know how hard it is for you, since you don't have a filter in your head."

"I really don't," he admitted.

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