Chapter 11

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Alex snapped back to reality pretty quick when she realized Yoongi was referring to what she had said in the car the night before. So much for him pretending like nothing happened. Taehyung looked between Yoongi and Alex with a concerned expression on his face. 

"Alex, were you thinking about leaving?"

Alex turned to Tae and smiled, "No, it was just some drunk rambling. I'm not going anywhere."

Yoongi smiled, "Good, so I don't intimidate you. That must mean I'm your bias."

"I don't remember saying any such thing, thank you very much!" Alex retorted with her chin in the air and her hand on her hip.

RM and Jin looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Was Yoongi actually flirting with a girl? Jimin stepped in between Alex and Yoongi. "Guys, please don't fight."

Yoongi and Alex looked over at Jimin surprised. "We're not fighting," Yoongi said. "I was just teasing her about her drunk mouth last night. She's quite funny when she drinks." Yoongi chuckled to himself as he walked away. 

Alex shook her head, "No worries Jimin, it takes a lot to get a rise out of me. It wasn't serious, I promise."

The photographer signaled to the group that it was time to begin. They placed Alex in the middle of the couch with one member on each side of her, one in each chair, and three stood behind the couch. They had Alex cross her arms over her chest, and cross one leg over her knee. They did several facial expressions from smiling to serious. Then they changed it up to having her sit on one end of the couch as each member took turns sitting in the chair next to her, as if they were having a one-on-one interview, but with poses. The photos and changes continued for about an hour. 

During the last change up, they placed Alex and Yoongi next to each other side by side. They had him put one arm around her shoulders and the other hand cupped at her ear, leaning down as if he was telling her a secret. The rest of the members sat on the couch or stood behind it acting like they were trying to hear what Yoongi was whispering to Alex. 

Alex's breath caught in her throat when Yoongi's mouth got close to her ear. She could feel his subtle breaths tickling her neck as they waited for the camera clicks. The smell of his cologne slowly circled around her making her feel intoxicated. It was somewhat woodsy, with a touch of sweet. It stirred something inside her. His hand was warm on her shoulder, and he seemed to pull her in closer the longer they stood there. If the photographer didn't end this soon she was afraid she would start sweating and pass out. 

The photographer signaled that it was a wrap and called them over to take a look at some of the images. The guys were pleased with how the photos turned out. Alex couldn't help but think they all looked so sophisticated. They really did capture that older, more mature feel they were going for. Jimin started laughing when he saw the pictures of Yoongi with Alex.  

"Yoongi! You look like you're about to take a bite out of her! Who knew you could pull off the sexy vibe? Alex, you look amazing, but maybe a little scared of Yoongi hyung!" Jimin found himself very funny as he continued giggling. 

"Scared" was not the word Alex would have used. If she had to put her finger on it, she looked more like she was in a seduction trance. With Yoongi's mouth next to her ear and his hands on her, she was surprised she wasn't red in the face and perspiring in the photos. Shock was most likely the look she pulled off, which just so happen to fit the theme of the photo, and the photographer liked it!

Everyone started gathering their things to go change before the media conference. Alex changed out of the stellar black dress, and into a more professional outfit. She would not be questioning them during it, but afterwards as part of the documentary. She came out of the dressing room and walked back on to the set while she waited for everyone to finish changing. Jungkook was the first one out. He wore a black blazer with a button up, jeans, and boots.  He walked over to her and slung his arm around her shoulders.

"Nuna, do you want to ride with us to the conference?"

"Nuna?! Oh, that makes me feel so old," Alex laughed. 

Jungkook smiled, "You're not old, you're just older than me. So I call you Nuna!"

As Alex looked at that smiling, innocent face, she couldn't resist his boyish charm. "Call me whatever you want as long as it keeps that smile on your face,"  she told him. 

The others started filing out one by one. Each wore similar outfits as Jungkook, except for Yoongi. He wore a black leather jacket over a black turtleneck, black jeans, and black combat boots. Then he put on that damn black hat. UGH! How was she supposed to focus when he looked like that? 

She was going to have to deal with it or else she was going to end up saying things she would regret . . . . without the alcohol involved. 


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