Chapter 22

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Sunday they were on their flight to Fukuoka. Alex had been feeling under the weather, so as soon as she sat in her seat and laid her head back she was sound asleep.

Yoongi had been keeping an eye on her to make sure she was ok. He got up to get a blanket and took it over to where she slept. He laid it over her gently to be sure not to wake her. He watched her as he sat back down. He noticed RM staring at him out of the corner of his eye. When he looked over RM gave him a nod of approval and a thumbs up. 

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window. Any time he showed his softer side the guys would razz him. Alex did worry him though. He had never seen her like this, quiet and withdrawn. It gave him this strange urge to want to take care of her. 

When they had landed and arrived at their hotel Alex grabbed her key and headed straight to her room without waiting for anyone else. She went in and immediately threw her bag on the floor, then collapsed on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

She awoke to the sound of a glass clinking and someone rummaging around the room. She looked over to see Yoongi pouring hot water into a cup with a tea bag, and she noticed that he had placed a glass of orange juice on the table next to the bed. Here she was feeling like death and Yoongi was in her room taking care of her. Her heart stuttered. 

"So, you're awake. I hope you don't mind, but Ji-Hoon helped me get a copy of your room key. How are you feeling?" Yoongi brought the tea over to her.

She sat up and took the cup from him, "Thank you. I'm feeling . . . . tired. Very tired." She took a sip of the tea and closed her eyes. It tasted wonderful. 

Yoongi leaned over to put the back of his hand against her forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever. I think you may just be exhausted. That tends to happen when you travel as much as we have." He sat on the edge of the bed next to her and took her wrist so he could check her pulse. 

Alex froze as he held her wrist. Just the feel of his hand on her made her breath hitch. Her mind was starting to fog when she heard  him chuckle.

"Do I make you nervous?" He was still looking down at his watch counting the beats of her pulse.

Alex's throat was suddenly dry, "What makes you think that?"

He looked up at her, "Because your pulse was normal when I first started counting, but now its fast."

 Alex's cheeks flushed and she looked down at her cup of tea. Well, if she was going to feel him out, now was better than never. "Would it be forward of me if I admitted that you do . . . . make me nervous?" She asked hesitantly.

Yoongi put his finger under her chin and lifted her face so she would look at him, "No, it's actually nice to hear it." He stared at her for a beat before he dropped his hand. "However, we can't have your heart racing right now, we need to get you better first. So, I'm going to head out."

He got up to clean the mess he had made. Alex watched him as he made his way around the room. Get me better first? Oh boy! Before he opened the door he turned to her, "There is some medicine for you next to the orange juice. Get plenty of sleep and you'll feel better tomorrow."

Alex smiled at him, "Thank you."

With that he left. Alex took the medicine with the orange juice then slid down into the bed. As she drifted off she could still feel his hand on her wrist. 


Alex didn't wake until late Monday night, and Yoongi had been right. She felt like a new person. She took a shower and put on some fresh clothes. She grabbed the hotel menu and ordered room service while she went over her schedule for the week. Her cheeks flushed when she remembered she was taking Yoongi out the next day with Ji-Hoon. 

She thought of how kind he had been the day before. She wished there was some way to repay him for the gesture. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head. She got on her computer to do some research. If this worked out, it could be just the thing to thank him for taking care of her. 

Her phone chimed and she opened it to see a text message from Yoongi.

My Kryptonite

My Kryptonite:

Are you awake yet


Yes 🙂

My Kryptonite:

How are you feeling


💯 thanks to you

My Kryptonite:

I'm glad you are feeling better


Do you have a lot on your schedule tomorrow?

My Kryptonite:

I think I'm supposed to be meeting with this really cool American 😏


LOL, and after that?

My Kryptonite:




Good, don't make any plans. I have a surprise for you.

A thank you, for taking care of me.

My Kryptonite:

I look forward to it, see you tomorrow,  cool American


See you tomorrow

Alex was suddenly nervous. What if he didn't like the surprise? She texted Ji-Hoon. She was going to need his help to pull this off. 

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