Chapter 19

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The next day everyone packed up their things to head to Nagoya. It was a short flight, and after checking into the hotel they headed to their rooms to rest. Monday it would be back to rehearsals to fix some of the bugs they found during Tokyo. 

Alex was unpacking her bag when her text alert went off.



Have you eaten yet?


Not yet, I might have an early dinner later.



Do you have any plans this week?


We're taking Jin and JK out this week for their interviews, aside from that just the concerts. You?


We have a photo shoot and the seven of us are going out one day together. 

I have some music I'm working on so I won't be around much aside from practice.



Well, get some rest


You too

Alex put her phone on the charger and shook her head. That was a weird conversation. She couldn't tell if he was trying to make plans with her or let her know he was going to be busy. She was starting to get aggravated with herself. He was sending her so many mixed signals, she didn't know what to say to him or how to act around him. One minute he had her skin tingling and the next he left her hanging on a ledge of confusion. 


Later in the week Ji-Hoon and Alex met up with Jin and Jungkook to take them out for a quick day of fun and filming. They were going to the Higashiyama Zoo and then Legoland Japan. She had a good feeling those places would bring out the charming and fun sides of Jin and JK, and she was right. JK and Jin took pictures with all of the animals they could get close to. At Legoland they posed with different figurines, and built at the lego stations that were set up. The oldest and youngest BTS members had a special bond that shown brightly that day. Alex made sure to have Ji-Hoon take plenty of footage for her edits later. ARMY was going to love this section when it came out. 

Before they went back to the hotel, they stopped for a late lunch

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Before they went back to the hotel, they stopped for a late lunch. They sat at a table in the shade outside of a café. Alex was writing down notes in her journal, and Ji-Hoon was talking to Jin and JK about something that was on the news back home. The waitress brought their drinks so Alex put her journal away. She was taking her first sip when Jin turned to her.

"So what do you put in your journal? Is it like a diary?" He smiled at her teasingly.

Alex laughed, "No, I make notes about questions I want to ask, or comments that are made during an interview that I want to highlight in the film. Sometimes, I'll get an idea for an upcoming interview that I don't want to forget."

"Do you ever get a break from work?" JK asked before he took a big bite of his food.

"Back home I mostly bury myself in work just to take up time. Otherwise I would be home bored a lot. But here, I have more down time in between you guys and editing. Ji-Hoon and I go out to sightsee here and there which takes up some time as well. There still seems to be more free time than I thought there would be." She took a bite of her lunch and closed her eyes in appreciation.

"So it would be ok if one us called just to hang out? We wouldn't be a burden?" Jin asked.

"Absolutely not!" she exclaimed. "I never wanted to seem like a burden on YOU guys," she laughed. 

When the waitress came to take her plate, Alex eyed a small market stand near by that she wanted to take a look at. She excused herself from the table while the guys finished eating. After she left, Ji-Hoon leaned in quietly and asked Jin and JK, "So what was that all about?"

"What?" JK looked confused.

"You guys hardly ever leave your rooms on tour if you don't have to, but you're trying to make plans with Alex ahead of time. It seems like you're asking more for someone else rather than yourselves." Ji-Hoon looked at both of them expectantly. 

JK gave Jin a side glance and raised his eyebrows questioningly. Jin looked at Ji-Hoon, "First of all, we like Alex and we want to include her whenever we can so she can get to know us better."

Ji-Hoon made a continuing motion with his hand, "And?"

JK had a shy smile on his face as he admitted, "Well, we think Alex and Yoongi like each other, so we've been trying to help set them up."

Ji-Hoon leaned back in his chair and laughed. "OK, so I wasn't the only one who noticed their chemistry?" He laughed again, then shook his head, "You guys do realize they are grown adults who can make their own decisions about relationships, right?"

Jin and JK nodded their heads but then JK added, "Yeah, but hyung gets so focused on his music, and he mostly keeps to himself. I think he'd be too afraid to admit his has feelings for nuna Alex. We thought he just needed a little push."

"I can see your point there." Ji-Hoon looked out at Alex thoughtfully. "To be honest, I don't know if Alex would consider herself as someone Yoongi would be interested in. She sees herself on a level below him, like she wouldn't deserve him, I think." He thought to himself and admitted, "I think you guys might be on the right track with this. The two of them definitely have chemistry, but may be too hesitant to act on it."

Jungkook and Jin smiled in agreement, "Exactly!"

Alex came back to their table and showed them the small purchase she had made. It was a small glass figurine of a dragonfly. She explained her love of dragonflies and how they held a special place in her heart, and collected them whenever she found them during her travels. She placed it in her bag then they all stood  up to head back to the hotel. The guys needed to practice, and Alex and Ji-Hoon needed to prepare for that week's concerts.

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