Chapter 1

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(for context Killua thinks his soulmate is a girl, he doesn't know he's gay) I'm really nervous to post this tbh

(I'll post a thingy about what's been going on with me too and why I won't post much for a little while!)

(Killuas POV)

I was sleeping when I felt a sharp pain on my wrists. I cried out gripping my wrist when the pain faded away. I grabbed my phone trying on the flashlight and looking down as purple skinny lines appear on my wrists. I felt tears fill my eyes. "Hurting yourself again huh?" I said.

When your soulmate gets hurt a mark will appear on the corresponding part of your body. Blue marks are smaller injuries like paper cuts or bruises, purple marks are bigger injuries like cuts that produce constant blood and bigger bruises, and black, black in the scariest, those are for broken bones or injuries that take long times to heal like stab wounds.

My body was full of purple marks, one mark scared me though, a black mark on my stomach, it's been black for a month now and hasn't gone the smallest bit purple yet. I'm scared for her.

I tried to fall back asleep but I could help but worry, what if my soulmate is hurt? She could be in big danger, I need to find her before it's too late, who knows what has been going on. I was thinking so much I didn't even notice the sun peeking up from the hills and my alarm going off, great, I had to go to school.

I took a deep breath and got up from my bed. I walked to the bathroom taking off all my clothes before looking at my body to make sure there were no new injuries Besides the ones added to the wrist. I sighed and I stepped into the shower, Turing on the water and began to wash my body and hair. Once I finished I got dressed and grabbed my backpack and keys.

I made my way quickly out of the house not wanting to see my mom or dad. I was tired and I didn't want to go to school. I wore long sleeves to cover the marks on my wrists since I felt bad seeing them. I just wanted to find her and hold her in my arms, telling her she's safe.

I was sitting in class bored when I felt a strange feeling on my thigh. I groaned and raised my hand. "Yes Killua?" The teacher said "Can I use the bathroom?" I said and she nodded. I ran to the bathroom and pulled off my pants seeing a purple blob appear on my thigh. "Where are you?" I whispered as tears fell out of my face.

She's getting hurt so much, my whole body is so messed up. I quickly wiped my tears and had to go back to class.

I was on the baseball team so I had practice after class. I really didn't feel like going but I had to, I'm the team captain after all. I was thinking about quiting, it's every other day on weekdays and I don't even like baseball, it's stupid. But it's the one sport that you most like will get the least amount of marks, so I tried to stay with it cause I don't want my soulmate to worry about me when he has something going on.

Judging by the size and color of that mark on my stomach I'm scared. I have no idea where she is, in fact most people don't even find there soulmates so what's the point of this stupid system.

I don't care if I even find mine as long as she is safe, which she's clearly not. After school and I drove home as I forgot to grab my gloves and bats, I told them to start practice without me. Walking into the door and quickly making my way to my room. Every day felt the same, boring, then my soulmate would get an injury and I would feel bad.

I heard footsteps coming to my room and quickly pretended to be asleep. The door opened "Get your ass up!" My mom yelled as I flinched and sat up. "What's up?" I said in a sleepy voice to pretend I was sleeping. "Care to explain this?" She said, shoving paper in my face. I looked at it, my report card.

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