Chapter 12

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(GONS pov)

"Zushi, we need to talk," I said softly as he looked at me, "ok, about what?" He said as I looked at the floor. "You know what happened last night, all that.." I said softly. He thought and nodded, "ohhh, yeha what about it?" He asked as I looked at my feet, "umm I don't know, I just don't feel a connection or a strong bond with you, and I do really like you, like a lot, but more as a friend then lover, you understand right?" I said tearing up.

"Gon, but that's not fair, you can't just do that!" He said as I nod "I know, Zushi, Killua is my soulmate, you gotta understand he's my soulmate , my marks are on him, even with everything you have done...your still not mine, we would end up together," I said softly cupping his face "I still wanna be friends and once you except that I'm sure you'll find another soulmate, I'm sure of it, ok?" I said softly he whimpers and nods. "I'm sorry," I whisper one more time before rushing off.

I felt awful, Zushi was my boyfriend and Killua was my soulmate. This is hard and unfair. I sigh. I just wanna be free from everything. Zushi didn't do anything but Killua is my soulmate. Soon the gym ended and we all went to the boys locker room to change. I saw both Zushi and Killua but I wanted some time for myself. I changed back into my normal clothes.

I leave and see Killua walk over to me. "Hey Gon, how is everything?" He asks "it's fine," I said softly. I'm still upset but I don't wanna lash out, I just gotta relax and calm down. "Oh, ok did you do it?" He asks as I take a deep breath, stay calm Gon just stay calm, "yes, I did it," I said softly as he nodded. "Cool, so do you wanna go out, like, ok a date?" He asked as I couldn't help but blush softly. "Really?" He nods, "yeah, I mean we could just go to the movies or something, maybe dinner.

Zushi never took me out on a date, yeah that would be fun. "Yea, I would really like that," I said softly as he smiled. "Alright cool! Do you wanna go today?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. I could tell he was a little nervous but trying to be open about it. "Yea, that would be nice, maybe just dinner or something," I said since it's kinda too late to pick a Movie and get a time and everything.

"Alright! Meet me at the gate when classes end ok?" He said as I nod "ok!"

It's hard, it's hard to put on a face around Killua. I act like I'm Happy and excited, I know he knows there's something wrong, my cuts are marked on him. He knows I cut myself and he knows I'm being hurt but he doesn't know how or why, I just hope to keep it that way. I don't want him to know because if it backfires and I end up in trouble and him in trouble a lot can go wrong. I don't want help. It is my last year of high school, so I can go to college and be free. I'm so close I just have to wait it out. So really I don't need help, I'm gonna be just fine.

(Killuas pov)

Finally Gon broke up with Zushi. It took him long enough I'm his soulmate I gotta find out what's going on though, I don't think anyone else in the whole school has as many marks as me, except for maybe him and that's because the marks are his actual injuries I'm happy though that some of them have turned from dark black to dark purple, that means they are healing up a bit. I wanna see his body better than I have in the locker room. I need to get a good look and help him with it.

But he won't let me see his body. He'll probably think I'm gonna do something Pervy! Maybe if I'm nice about it...I don't know, I'll figure it out I just wanna see. I whine and sigh. I can't believe him and Zushi had sex! That's so gross, he's mine! How dare he. The only reason he even did have sex with him is so that I wouldn't be his first time! What a jerk! I guess maybe they didn't but he was smacking his ass at the least! That should have been meee! He's so cute! Ahhh what the heck just a little bit ago I thought my soulmate was a girl not a boy!

Snap out of Killua! Just relax, you're gonna go on a nice date with him, I'll take him to my house after school and then we'll talk there! I just need to stay calm! Oh my god! I'm going on a date with him! I'm so excited! I squeak a little and start to head to my next class. I'm nervous I shouldn't be nervous but I am! I don't wanna mess anything up like I already did. I'm gonna make him the happiest man in the whole world!

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