Chapter 9

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(Not edited my wrists hurt, I'll edit it later)

(GONS pov)

(Add: Takes a shower before he leaves he needs to look as nice as possible, dad buys him clothes

"We're going out tonight," I looked at him "wha-what?" I asked as he snorted, "well I guess I should say more of your going out tonight. A customer paid good money for you to go to his house, he has a sex dungeon but no one to use it with, then he found my website and wanted you to come have some fun at his house." He said as I teared up.

"What-t what website?" I asked as he chuckled, "oh yeah, I started a website advertising you, by the way we're gonna have to take some pictures, be a good boy and I'll even start to give you some of the profit," I thought about it and I guess that did sound good, I could start to save up for collage, then I could get out of here.

I took a deep breath and started to get changed into something nicer. I was nervous. I've never been to someone's house before, not to mention left alone at someone's house. I took a deep breath, left everything here and went up to my dad. "I'm ready to go," I said softly. My dad then took my hand and basically dragged me quickly to the car as my ankle still hurt. I took a deep breath and everything would be ok.

We drove for a long time and then we pulled up to a huge house! I was in shock. "Woah!" I said looking at it. "Yeah don't get too excited , it's not like you're gonna be able to look around. Now if I hear even a single complaint from the customer, if you so much as do anything to make him upset your not going to be going to school for a long timeeee, I'll make sure of that," he said, jerking my chin away from me. I whimpered and nodded "I'll be good dad,"

"Good boy, now go up there and knock, and be polite, remember if you do good I'll start to pay you too," I nodded and limped softly over to the door. I looked at it. The door was a good ten feet high, the windows of the door were made out of glass and the wood parts of the door had to be some of the most expensive wood. I was nervous now, who knows what kinda torture devices he could pay for.

I took a deep breath, checked my appearance in the window and Karan the doorbell. It made a really fancy noise. I waited anxiously when the door opened. I didn't know what to say as I looked the man up and down. "Ah hello, you must be Gon correct?" He said as I nodded "y-yes hi-I it's lovely to-o meet you-u," I said nervously.

He had a sharp jawline and gray eyes, pale white skin, kinda like Killuas color skin. Brown hair that was full dry and curly, he was actually very attractive. I step in the door still a little nervous. "Go ahead and take off your shoes. He said as I nodded and sat on the floor untying them and sat them neatly next to each other by the door.

"Alright, follow me he said leading me through a hall. I looked around and saw pictures of him with a women and two kids, one girl and a boy. The women had dark chocolate skin and black hair, she was really pretty too, I looked at both of the kids, the girl and boy a mix of both of them in a variety of ways.

He brought me into a room and my nose filled with the scent of delicious smelling food. I almost drooled right there. "Here, sit down," he said, pulling out a chair for me. I nodded as I was told, sitting in the chair. I noted the centerpiece of the table which was a small lazy Susan with salt pepper, another substance I didn't quite know what it was and a vase with beautiful purple and silver flowers.
Oh there were also napkins.

"So, are you hungry?" I peeked up and nodded "yes," I said softly. "Ok, what do you want for dinner?" He asked as I looked at him. "Umm maybe just a jelly and peanut butter sandwich?" I said looking at him. "Oh Gon, you can't be eating that," he said as he rang a small bell and multiple people holding silver try's walked out of the two doors on the other side of the dining room.

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