Chapter 7

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(GONS pov)

"Ahh! Dad, this is my friend zushi! We had a school project we were working on but we fell asleep since it's so late! I-I thought you would like it more if he came over here then if I went to his house," I said softly not looking at him scared. "Sure, we'll talk about this after he leaves," he said, eyeing me as I nodded.

He left the room after that and I didn't say anything. "What is he going to do?" Zushi asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "I-I don't know," I said nuzzling into him. "Just text me ok? I'm here. Now I better head out. I don't want him to get suspicious, ok?" Zushi said lifting my chin and kissing me.

"You might wanna hide that hickey just in case too," he said pointing to the one he gave me in the closet when-ahhh! I blushed just thinking about it! We've only been boyfriends for one day and we-anyway! I blushed and looked away nodding. Just pressed something cold to it and the busing will go down a little bit,"

I nodded and hugged him "I'll see you tomorrow," I said as he nodded getting up. I walked him to the door and watched as he walked away. "Alright kiddo," he said as I looked over at my dad. "Come here," he said as I nodded and walked over to him nervously.

"Hmm, such a pretty boy," he said, caressing my face. "I made such a Beautiful boy," he said, pushing me onto the couch. "Dad-d get off me," I said as he flipped me over. "Your mom was always so ugly, so fat, so disgusting, I was scared you would turn out to be a fat baby but you weren't, and when she died during labor everything just fell into place.

"Don't talk about her that way! She was beautiful!" I yelled as I felt him dig his fingernails into my hips. "Don't speak to me Like that!" He yelled before slapping my ass I squeaked "ehehe I love your body Gon, you're not gross you like your mother your small and curvy for a boy. "Dad get off!" I cried as his hands slipped under my pants.

"Don't touch me just leave me alone," I cried as I pushed him off of me onto the floor this time he bashed his head on the corner of the table. I  then made the mistake of laughing to then he grabbed my leg. I jumped up and tried to run but he had a hard grip on my leg. I kicked him in the face and he let go. My heart was racing as I ran to the door opening it.

I heard him get up and run after me from behind. I opened the door attempting to close it but he caught it. I took a deep breath and just started to run. I ran, my lungs burned, it was raining and cold, I could see my breath in my face and hear him stomping behind me thanks to the puddles made from rain.

I knew if I didn't get away now I would never have another chance. I ran as rain mixed with tears running down my face as my adrenaline spiked. I could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer and I gasped for air as the cold wind felt like burning in my lungs yet I still ran.

My feet bleed from stepping on rocks and broken glass on the side of the road. I all of a sudden slipped on a puddle and fell to the ground. I let out a Shreak as I felt my dad grab and pull me over his body. I tried to punch him, kick him, anything. If he put me back in that house I was as good as dead. I kicked and squirmed not giving up. "Let me go! Let me go!" I yelled as I told him to take something out of his pocket.

Is that a fucking needle?! He put it into my side and injected the liquid into me. I started to get dizzy and fell motionless Inhis arms. What was that? My mind was dizzy and vision blurring but I was still awake, just stay awake! I can't move my body!

I tried to talk but it came out as a small hum and saw as I was inside again. My head hurt as he threw me to the floor. I couldn't move or feel anything as my body went numb and I felt him crawl on top of me. He leaned down and whispered into my ear "you never should have tried that, you should have just stayed still like a good boy but now, now you are not going anywhere, I'm taking you out of school, You're not leaving this house," he said, stroking my hair.

I saw him take out a blind fold and put it over my eyes. Then he was moving me somewhere then everything went black.

(Killua pov)

I made it home and took off my shoes. I was tired and didn't feel like dealing with my family. I quickly sped to my room and flipped on my bed. I looked at my night stand and saw a picture of me and my sister. My parents sent her to an all boys boarding school in Germany. Since she came out as trans they didn't accept her and I hate to admit it but at the time I didn't accept her either.

She was born a boy. How do you just think "oh I'm a girl! One day Like no that's not how it works," but as I thought about it more growing up with her, she always loved girly things more and wanted to wear skirts and paint her nails and that's when I realized yeah she is a girl. She was supposed to be born a twin but the other baby died during the labor.

I laid on my bed curling into a ball and quickly falling asleep, I was exhausted and still had a lot to think about. I cuddled into my blankets, I gotta find a way to get Gon all to myself, he's my soulmate, maybe I should just tell Zushi the truth and maybe he'll let me have him, I know I was a jerk to Go but that was before I figured out he was my soulmate.

Now I know he wasn't just a  seeker and I did all those awful things to him. What is wrong with me? I never would have done those things to anything, what was I thinking, he didn't even do anything he was innocent only trying to act like nothing was wrong, but then he was fucking that guys for money, he's kinda gross.

I mean he probably has some sort of std or something word knows how many guys he's slept with, he's probably spreading all sorts of diseases! I better warn Zushi before him and Gon do something and Zushi needs up with a STD or something, that would be so gross.

(Zushi pov)

I was at home eating Zushi and watching videos on YouTube. I looked at the time realizing how late it was, Gon still hasn't texted me. I got worried but at the same time, I gotta think positive, he's in his room sleeping, his dad talked to him and everything is just fine.

Everything would be just fine, he's strong, he's been through so much and just a few more days and he could talk to my dad who would be able to help him. It would all work out I know it would, it just has to!

(GONS pov)

I woke up, it was dark. I didn't move, wanting to analyze my surroundings before doing anything. My wrists were tied above my head; they seemed to be attached to the ceiling. I was still blindfolded. My chest was tied to it. I was naked and my legs were also bound to the chair I stayed in and as quiet and still as possible. I just have to keep acting like nothing was wrong and everything will be ok! Right?


(Sorry this chapters a bit shorter then the others! I've been tired!!)

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