Chapter 11

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I turned to look and Killua was there, "k-Killua? Why are you here? Go away, I don't wanna see you," I said "do you know what happened? Zushi hit you, I carried you here, come on Gon, he's abusive," he said as I laughed "you wanna talk about abuse? Yeah you're one to talk! Hitting me, kicking me, getting other people too! A-and sexually harassing me too," I cried out "go away, I don't care if you're my soulmate, Go away!" I yelled and cried.

He looked at me and I just cried "I hate you! I fucking hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate!" I yelled as I cried "I will never love you never! So go away! If you're my soulmate, I'd rather be dead than be with someone like you!" I cried as he just watched. "Gon-" "no! Don't speak, just get out! Get the fuck out!" I yelled curling up in a ball and crying. I heard shuffling but I didn't look just stayed in my ball. I felt a finger poke my back and the a hand join.

I felt the hand rub my back avoiding all my scars and lacerations. Wow, he knows my body. I just cried as he comfortingly rubbed my back. I tried my best to Calm down. "Just, take your time," he whispered as I wish it was someone else but I couldn't help but think, the would put us together for a reason, my marks weren't transferred to Zushis body, they stayed on killuas, after everything he's done, he's still my soulmate. I took deep breaths and started to calm down.

(When Gon says they weren't transferred, soulmate marks may leave another's body and go to someone else's. It might not be the person you expect it to be like I'm this case Gon believes that since the marks are still on Killua he's still his soulmate but they may be transferred to Zushi but since they haven't he starts to have doubts that Zushi is his soulmate.

Another example is if you get married to your soulmate and they start to become abusive and hurt you and you fall out of love the marks you get will start to appear on a person whose soulmate died. Does that make sense?)

"There you go," he whispered as I calmed down. He got on the small nursing cot with me and I completely tensed up. He wrapped his arms around me, knowing my body almost exactly and not hitting any of my cuts and other things. He pulled me against him. And just kept me there. I cried softly, not moving at all, I went dead in his arms.

"Gon?" He said softly as I shook my head and pushed him off, "go away! Go away!" I yelled as I put my head in my hands. "Go away," I said as I laid back down. "Fine, if that's what you want," he said softly. I felt him take my hand and before I could pull it away he gently kissed the palm. "I know I did some unforgivable things but whether you like it or not I'm your soulmate, I won't hurt you anymore, I just wanna talk, so when you're ready, come find me," he said .

I looked at him and I saw his blue eyes, that I used to fear, they looked soft and kind. I just nod and watch as he leaves.

(Killua's pov)

I left the nurses office and Zushi was waiting outside the door, "oh, you're here," I scoffed at him. "Yeah I was just checking on MY soulmate," I said as I began to walk away from him, I made sure to hit his shoulder with mine on purpose. "Whatever," he said as he went in there. Gon is mine not his.

(Zushis pov)

I went into the nurses office and went over to the nurse for Gon was laying in. "Are you ok?" I ask him softly. I watched as he slowly nodded. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hit you, I would never ever hurt you on purpose," I said, kissing his nose.  "It's ok Zushi-"No, it isn't ok," I said softly as I looked at him, "do you, forgive me?" I asked softly as he nodded, "thank you," I said. I look at him in the eyes and he looks back at me.

I lean in and we gently kiss. I cup his face and kiss him more passionately. I gently push him down on the bed and crawl on-top of him. He kissed back and I gently pushed my tongue into his mouth. We made out for a bit and it felt good, it felt right! My soulmate may be dead but I believe he is my soulmate now, even though I don't have his marks.

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