Chapter 8

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(Gon pov)

I stayed quite trying to hear if anyone else was in the room. I slowly moved each part of my body seeing if it was tied to the chair or not when I heard a laugh echo from the room. "Dad, I won't run away, I won't do anything again. I promise just please don't do this!" I said nervously as I felt a hand crawl up my thigh.

"You know none of this wouldn't have happened if you just stayed out," I heard him whispered. "Dad I promise I won't run away again," I said as he made a clicking sound with his tongue. "Yeah but how can I trust that?" He said, "I don't know," I said as I felt him touch my ankle. "I could break your ankle but that would be inconvenient for your customers, soo," he said as I felt sharp spikes clamp onto my foot stabbing into my achilles tendon and locking on.

He took off the blindfold and I cringed in pain. It looked like a cuff but with spikes on the inside like an inverted spiked dog collar. The spikes dug into my flesh and when I moved it it sent a shock of pain up my leg, I couldn't run with this, only walk. I sighed "this is your last chance Gon if you run away again, I cut off your foot," he said as I once again cringed, like he could do that.

He untied me and I was relieved my arms were free and I limped to my bedroom. It hurt so bad  every time I took a step, tears formed from the pain. Once I got to my room I flopped on the bed and relaxed slightly. Everything was going to be ok, I was gonna ok, I just have to do everything he says and I'll be ok, just listen to him follow his orders and you won't get hurt anymore!

I thought to myself as I tossed the blankets over my head and cried lightly, eventually falling asleep.

I woke up to my alarm and turned it off. I got the device around my leg burning. I had to get used to it. I put on my pants and high socks to hide the device. I wore my gym clothes and grabbed my bag, putting something to change inside. Then I started my walk to school.

At first it hurt a lot to walk but by the time I reached the school I had gotten used to it. I walked to the gym and to the locker room putting my stuff down and making sure my leg was covered then I went down to the gym before anyone else got here.

I waited, sitting on the bleachers for class to start. I saw girls and guys come in and walk to the locker room, no sign of Zushi, or Killua either. I sighed and the teacher clapped their hands ''alright everyone line up,"

Everyone did as told, lining up on one of the gym rooms lines. "Ok, everyone today we will be running the mile out on the track field and-" she was cut off as Zushi Killua and a couple other boys ran in. "Boys, why are you late?" She asked as Killua spoke up, "we had baseball practice and lost track of time." She just sighed "go get changed and meet us on the track," they nodded as they walked to the locker room, Zushi didn't even look at me.

I tried not to think anything of it and went out to the field like everyone else. "All Right everyone! Line up," The gym teacher said as we did. I looked down at my ankle and started to breathe hard as I knew what would happen if I ran. I looked at the gym teacher and she blew the whistle, everyone started to run, but I stayed still. I watched as people ran and she looked at me confused.

"Why are you running freecss get a move on!" She said as I nodded and started to run. I bit the inside of my check in pain as I felt the prongs dig into my skin and I cried out in pain as I ran. I felt a little blood start to trickle down my calf. I was going too slow but I always did everything bad in PE and for once I gotta do good.

So I took a deep breath and started to run as fast as I could. It hurt, it hurt so bad but I could handle this. It was only when I reached half way through my second lap did I realize I was leaving a small trail of blood and I saw that the baseball boys had started to run too but I just had to keep running.

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