Chapter 6

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(Killuas pov)

What the fuck, Gons not my soulmate no he can't be! All of his cuts and bruises matched my marks! When I saw him in the shower, what's going on with him? I'm not gay! I don't like guys he'll I even called Zushi a fag when I'm one myslef apparently! Why does Gon have all those marks and bruises? Maybe I should follow him. Is there something going on? I could tell the cuts on his writer he did alone but it's hard to bruise yourself plus there was a huge cut on his stomach like the black patch here, he wouldn't do that to himself right?

I sighed and looked over at him but he turned away. How could I treat him that way! What is wrong with you?! You don't treat people like that anyway!! He didn't do anything wrong! He wasn't even faking anything, he's not just an attention seeker. I sighed once again and focused back on the board, I'll figure it all out later.

Once classes ended I followed Gon, maybe I should talk to him. I followed him to the bleachers where he just took out his notebook and worked on it. I should say something! I should go up to him! I should talk to him! I have to do something! I hid under the bleachers. I'll talk to him when he goes to leave.

That's when I heard another voice, Zushi? What's he doing here? I sighed and decided to just listen to them. They were talking quietly and I can't hear them very well . I think I heard my name?! I don't know. I peaked through the bleachers and saw Zushi cupping Gon's face then  he kissed him! What the hell? How long have they been together! He's my soulmate, get your hands off him!

I sighed angrily and heard them get up from the bleachers then I saw as they held hands and started to walk off the campus. Where do they think they're going? What are they hooking up or something, no way, if he fucks Zushi I swear I won't ever love him, Zushi is my best friend how would you feel if your soulmate hooked up with your best friend! I gotta follow them!

I waited until they were a little far and slowly trailed behind them until we made our way to a small house. Is that Gon's house? Zushi's house is huge. I saw them hug and Zushi squeezed Gon's hand before waving and walking the other way as Gon approached the door and went inside.

I decided to look around the house to see if there's a way I can see inside to get more information. I smiled and started to look around the back when a car pulled up. I got nervous and hid in one of the bushes when I saw a nice looking man get out of the car and go inside. I shrugged it off and went back over to the back when I saw a window into Gon's room.

There was a man who looked just like Gon standing there yelling at him. Gon looked at me and I couldn't hear them. It was muffled. All of a sudden I saw the man come in, the man I just saw enter the house, walk into the room and smile at Gon. Gon's dad patted the guy on the back and did what looked to be to introduce him to Gon. Gon looked uncomfortable.

I sighed and kept watching. I saw the man walk over to Gon well as his dad left the room. I looked over and saw him take out a bin that was under Gon's bed. I was shocked when I saw what was in there. Condoms, lube, handcuffs, rope, a bunch of other sexual stuff. Gross what the hell.

I watched as he put rope around Gon's arms and started to strip Gon. I looked more at Gon's cuts and bruises and wounds and looked at myself, yeah, no doubt about it, he's my soulmate. And that man better take his filthy hands off my Gon! Why is he taking off his clothes? I slowly looked away for Gon's privacy, I didn't wanna see him fully naked anyway.

I sighed and looked away before I looked back. The man was on top of Gon, what was Gon doing? Why is he sleeping with older men? That's disgusting, just get a real job if you're that desperate. I should tell Zushi he would get a kick if he knew Gon was sleeping with older men for money. I bet they would break up if Gon could be mine.

Soulmate marks (Killugon)Where stories live. Discover now