Chapter 14

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My childhood, my uncle, the awful game he played, my rescue. It all came back to me as if it had happened yesterday. No longer clouded memories. Now, fresh images playing over and over in my mind.

Slender removed his hand from my burning scar, causing me to topple over in my chair, hunched over as I took a moment to retain all this information. I gasped, overwhelmed by the entire situation. I look up to Slender from the ground as he stared down at me sadly.

"I-I... Was supposed to die that night... Wasn't I?" I ask, tears flowing freely. He sighed, hesitantly nodding.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I never intended for you to come here," he offered sadly. The memory of blood spraying a crossed my face caused me to hunch over and dry heave in disgust.

"W-why...?" I mutter through choked sobs. "Why did... You save me...?"

"Because, you had so much to look forward to in life. I left that scar in order to repress those memories, however, the seal seemed to falter after some time. I couldn't possibly imagine what triggered it," he muttered the last part, seemingly to himself.

The room grew quiet, the sound of my muffled sobs echoing off the walls was the only sign of life in the room. It felt like an eternity before someone finally spoke.

"I'm so truly sorry that you had to find out this way. I wanted you to live a long and happy life," Slender tried to comfort.

"But, J-... Jeff would've killed me... Anyways... So, i-it... doesn't matter," I breathe out between sobs. I felt the air grow thick in the room before I look up to find the taller male standing, an ominous aura surrounding him.

"I wouldn't have allowed that, and if he had succeeded, I would have made sure to end him," he stated, his voice dark and demonic, making my skin crawl. After a moment, he sighed before making his way to my side and offering me a hand. I hesitantly took it, my body still shaking violently as he helped me to my feet.

"Sally, as long as you are under my watch, no one will cause you any harm. Do you understand?" he stated gently. I nodded, putting faith in this entity. His skin stretched into an unsettling, yet somehow comforting, smile before he spoke again.

"Now, I will have Eyeless Jack examine you before I introduce you to the rest of the household." He escorted me out of the room, down the hall, and into the living room where Ben, Eyeless Jack, and two other people resided on the couch.

"Jack, please assess Sally's wounds and see that she is well taken care of," Slender ordered to the eyeless one, who simply nodded in response.

"Sal, can you sit on the floor here," Jack gestured to the ground in front of him. I obliged quietly, not really knowing what to say. I heard him shift before I realized he had taken a seat on the floor behind me. I felt gentle hands prodding the back of my head, feeling around the tender flesh causing me to wince in slight pain.

"Does that hurt?" Jack asked, a hint of concern laced in his tone.

"Y-yeah, just a bit," I reply, my voice wavering slightly.

"Alright, she has minor bruising, but otherwise, she's fine. She just has to avoid any extracurricular activity that'll lead to fainting or a mild concussion," Jack diagnosed. Slender nodded in understanding.

"Good. Well, I will be handling some business with Jeffery. Timothy, Toby. I have a new mission to assign to you; you shall guard Sally and keep her out of harm's way and stay at her side until I tell you otherwise, have I made myself clear?" The two other occupants on the couch both replied "yes, sir", though the one in the brown seemed to stutter over his words a bit.

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