Chapter 10

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"I see you're awake." The man says as he enters the room. He looks down at me with what seems to be a smile under his skin. He chuckled lightly at the confused look on my face. He looks around at the other occupants of the room.

"I see you all have met Sally." He then gestures to the colorful copy of him.
"This, is my brother Splendorman." The man, then, tips his hat smiling.
"Pleased to meet you." The faceless one then gestures to the link kid.
"This is Ben drowned. He is the youngest member of the household. And this is Eyeless Jack." He said as he motions to the eyeless, blue one.
"Nice to meet you." Jack said offering a hand to me. I stare at him for a moment before hesitantly taking his hand and shaking it slowly, clutching my notebook against my chest.

After a moment of silence the faceless one spoke up. 

"Alright, so everyone has met. Good." He then turns to me.
"I'll show you to your room so, you can get some rest. I'm sure its been a long day for you and this is a lot to process."

"M-my room?" I ask curiously.

"Yes. You'll be staying here from now on."

"I can't stay. My parents are probably looking for me now. I have to go."

The two brothers exchanged looks before the bright one spoke up, "I'm sorry to tell you this Sally, but... you can't return home."

"Why not?!" I ask a bit angrily. The one known as 'Slenderman' chimed in.

"Everything will be explained in the morning. But, for now, you need to rest." I looked at him still unsure.
"Just trust me. None of us would ever hurt you." The skin on his face seemed to stretch into a smile. Why did that seem so familiar?

"Just follow me." He said as he turned and made his way up the stairs. I stood for a moment, debating whether or not it was smart to do so. I, then, decide it best to obey and stay on his good side. I quickly ran over to where my backpack lay open and threw my notebook in it. I quickly zipped it up and slung it over my shoulder. I trot up the stairs and catch up to Slenderman.

 I follow close behind him through the twist and turns of the mansion. We climb the stairs until we are on what I believed to be the top floor. We round the corner to a long narrow hall. Slenderman leads me five doors down the hall then stops in front of a large, wooden door. He then turns the knob and pushes the door open.

"This is your room. If you need anything, just call for me." He then turns and begins makes his way down the hall. I sigh and walk into the dark room. I feel through the darkness until I find the bed and I collapse onto it, too exhausted to even look around. I close my eyes and hope by tomorrow I'll be awaken from this nightmare.

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