Chapter 5

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Sorry, I'm updating so late today. The internet was out. But anyways, comment, vote, and enjoy!


I blacked out only to be waken by my mothers sobs. I slowly open my eyes to see a bright light and a white ceiling. I groaned in pain. 

'Why does my head hurt so much?' I looked over careful not to make the pain worse. My mother was seated in a chair placed next to the bed, holding my hand, sobbing into my sheets. I see my father in the corner of the room with his head rested against the wall, asleep. I use the little bit of strength, I had and whispered, "M-mom....?" My mothers head instantly shot up.

"Sally! How are you feeling? Are you OK? Do you need anything?" My mom said as she wiped away her tears.

"I-I'm fine.....W-what.. happened?"

"Y-you got hit by a car. You have a small concussion, a shattered shoulder, and a few broken ribs.." I moaned and looked down at my shoulder.

"Dammit..." My mother looks at me cocking an eyebrow. "Sorry, I'm just in a lot of pain." She simply sighed and rubbed my arm.

"Wh-what time is it?" She pulled out her phone and looked at it. 

"Its 1:32 at night."

"Was I out that long?"

"You've actually been out for a week. Oh, honey, I'm glad you're OK." She hugged me tightly. I winced in pain and she quickly let go. "Sorry." I looked over at my father.

"How long have you been here?"

"Since the accident... We left the house the second we got the phone call."

"Mom, go home and get some rest."

"No, I'm f-"

"M-mom, please."

"I'll stay just for tonight, just to make sure you're alright."

"F-fine but, get some rest." She nodded trying to frown, but I knew she was glad to be able to sleep. I watched her as she got comfortable in her chair and fell into a deep sleep. I soon begin to nod off myself so, I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

I quickly opened my eyes. I was still in the hospital, but my room was dark and empty. I climbed out of bed to check the hall for any nurses but there was no one. The halls were lined with darkness. Not a single light illuminated. 

'That's really weird.' I continued to walk down the hall in hopes that the nurses might be at their desk. To my surprise, they were empty. I made my way to the other rooms trying to find other patients but found nothing.

'What the hell is going on?' As I continued to walk, I began to hear footsteps other than my own. I quickly turned around and the footsteps stopped.

"Hello?" No reply. I turned to continue walking and in an instant the footsteps started again. I turned and, once again, they stopped. When I turned once again there were no longer footsteps, but laughter. A laugh in which only a madman could possess. I turned to find myself face to face with the familiar man. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. He looked at me and grin.

"Don't be scared my dear."

"I-" He placed a finger over my mouth and hushed me.

"Don't speak." He touched the side of my face making my skin crawl.

"You're very beautiful Sally. And you know that just as well as I do. But I can make you just as beautiful as I am." I wanted to say something, anything but I just couldn't. He then stroked my face. "You will be mine. And no ones going to get in the way of that."

My eyes shot open as I awoke from my nightmare.

Monsters Need Love Too ((OlderSallyxJeff))Where stories live. Discover now