Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry. I know it's been forever since I updated but, I had writers block and no motivation for this story. But, anyways, comment, vote and enjoy!


Slowly blinking my eyes open, I stared at the ceiling for a moment as I cleared my vision.

"Hey, you're awake," chimed a cheery voice. I glanced to my side to find bright red pupils staring back at me. I had no energy to scream, so, I simply stared.

"You get knocked out pretty easily, huh?" He commented with a slight chuckle. I lowered my vision to find my head rested in his lap and my eyes widened a bit but I recoiled at the pain.

"Owe.." I mumble, bringing my hand to my head.

"You need to be more careful. You'll end up getting seriously hurt at some point and I don't think I could last much longer in this house without a pretty girl around," he said with a slight wink causing me to blush a deep crimson and avoid eye contact. He chuckled quietly at my reaction.

After a moment of silence, I finally spoke up.

"W-...What are you people?" I question, barely above a whisper.

"Huh?" BEN questions a bit confused as he looked down at me. I continued to stare at his stomach, avoiding his piercing red pupils. "Oh... Well, I'm a virus," he stated with a sense of pride. I glanced up at him curiously.

"A... A virus? Like, something in a computer?" I asked, growing interested.

"Yep!" He assures. 

"But.. You have a solid form... A human form at that," I said as I poked him in the chest causing him to laugh softly and move my hand.

"Ha ha, yeah. It's hard to explain," he rubbed the back of his head. 

After, yet another, awkward silence, he slowly began to lift my head from his lap with care as he began to speak.

"Well, I think it's time I get you to Slenderp," he said as he eased me into a standing position. I would've protested if I had the energy but I felt completely drained just from standing. I leaned against the much taller male for support as he helped me walk out into the hallway. This hall looked identical to the hall I walked down this morning (at least I think it was this morning) except for the fact that the doors had names carved into them and an occasional witty picture. I read them as we past.

'Toby, Masky, Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer!, Laughing Ja-' My heart sank as I glanced back at the door. There was a smiley face carved in beneath the name Jeff the Killer. My breath quickened as I realized how close he had been to where I was sleeping. How he could've just taken a few steps down the hall and ended me in my sleep. I averted my attention back to the ground and left it there till we reached the stairs.

"Hold onto the rail," BEN ordered. I obeyed without hesitation as we made our way down the stairs. Once we reached the bottom of the seemingly never-ending flight, a few of the monsters had occupied the couch, while others laid lazily in front of the TV.

"She woke up, why didn't you call me?" The one I faintly remember as Eyeless Jack questioned a bit angrily.

"We were having a moment," BEN stated with a smirk causing my cheeks to flush. "Plus," he added "Slender wanted to see her as soon as she was awake." Jack growled quietly from beneath his mask before shooing us away and slumping back onto the couch.

We made our way down a narrow hallway that I recognized as the one I had tried to escape down. I swallowed as we slowly reached the end. There were no lights in this part of the hall so, the faint yellow light from farther up the hall gave off an eerie glow.

We approached two large doors that had SLENDERMAN carved a crossed them. BEN knocked loudly on the door, the thumping sending a sharp pain through my head.

"Enter," stated an all too familiar voice. BEN opened the door and helped me limp my way to the chair positioned in front of a large desk and the tall, faceless creature behind it.

"Thank you, BEN," he offered before the blonde nodded and left. After he had gone, I averted my attention to the man who seemed to be in control.

"Good morning, Sally, I'm glad to see you're up and about," He said with what I presumed was a smile as he folded his hands and rested them on his desk. I simply nodded, not trusting my voice. I felt the atmosphere quickly grow serious.

"Sally, I'm sure you're confused but, you will understand soon enough," he stated simply. I looked at him questioningly only for his hand to shoot out and press against the scar upon my shoulder. It burned as memories flooded through my mind.

Monsters Need Love Too ((OlderSallyxJeff))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora