Chapter 7

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I was kept out of school for three days to heal and I fell far behind. The morning I was to return to school, I began to pack everything up in my backpack, but I put something unusual in along with the books. I reached under my bed and slowly pulled out the knife that had been hidden and forgotten for so long. I held it in one hand, while I felt the sharpness of the blade, with the other. 'How is it so sharp?' I thought, surprised as deep, red blood trickled from my palm. I heard footsteps on the staircase. I quickly wiped the blood off on the back of my white tee-shirt and shoved the knife into my bag. My mother appeared at the doorway.

"Hurry up or you're going to be late."

"I'll be down in a sec, I just have to get the rest of my books."

"Don't take too long."

I gave her a reassuring smile and she walked back down the stairs. I turned and looked at my hand, which is now covered in blood. I walked to my bathroom and pulled the first-aid kit from under the sink. I pulled out a pack of gauze's and wrapped my hand up. I, then, look at the very noticeable blood stain on my very white shirt.

'There's no way in hell I'm getting out of here with out mom noticing this.' I grab a black jacket from my closet and threw it on, zipping it up just enough to cover the stain. There's no use putting on another shirt, seeing as I'm just gonna stain that one, too. I put on a pair of finger-less gloves to hide the gauze. I grab my backpack, then made my way down the stairs and out the door.

I walk down the street, paying close attention to every little bit of noise and movement from the woods. I stopped three steps away from the bus stop and peered into the bundle of trees. I didn't see anything too suspicious, so I took a step in, my heart racing. As soon as I was far enough into the forest, where no one will be able to see me, I quickly reach into my backpack pulling the knife out. I gripped it tightly, the blade facing the ground. I walk further into the forest, hoping to finally find something.

I spent hours walking around shouting 'Hello!' But, I was alone. It was getting dark but I didn't bother turning around. I was too deep into the forest to change my mind. After a few hours of complete darkness, I began to feel a bit sluggish. I pull out my phone and check the time. '2:30'. 'Shit. Have I really been out here that long? Oh well. If I go home now, I guarantee my parents would never let me leave that house again. Alive that is.'

I sighed and thought maybe I could find some sort of shelter out here. I wasn't planning on making it home anyways. I began to look around when I heard a few crunches of leaves and snapping of branches. I quickly found a tree and I climbed up until I wasn't noticeable. I peered through the leaves of the tree and waited, hoping it only to be an animal.

I was very wrong.

It first came out to me as just a shadowy figure, but as it got closer it formed into a person. A man. He was slumped over and limping slightly. He seemed to be drenched in something. It dripped down from his clothes, thickly. I could just barely make out the man through the dark. It was him. It was that bastard I've been waiting for.

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