Chapter 1

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Sorry if this chapters kind of short but anyways, Comment, vote, and tell me what you guys thought of the first chapter ^-^


I woke up in a cold sweat, my breathing quick and choppy. I looked over at the time, '7:16'. I fell back onto my bed, sighing. My mother, then, appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing still in bed? Get up, your bus will be here in fifteen minutes. Do you wanna miss your first day back to school?"

"I'd love to," I groaned as I climbed out of bed. My mother smirked at me.

"Well, that's too bad. Now get dressed or you're gonna be late. I have breakfast waiting for you downstairs." She cooed as she walked down the hall. I'm 15 and starting my first year in high school and, frankly, I'm not looking forward to it. All through-out elementary and middle school, I was always pressed about the night with my uncle. I hated it. The questions only opened old scars.

I got dressed, ate breakfast, and made my way to the bus stop. Surprisingly, no one was there. I looked up and down the street. Not a soul in sight. I knew someone had to be coming seeing as there were a lot of people in my neighborhood going to the same school. I figured they might just be late and thought nothing more of it. 

The bus stop was right in front of the woods so, the long wait seemed ten times as worse. I pulled out my phone. '7:38'

'That's weird... The bus should've been here by now.' I sat on the curb and looked up the street. Still no bus. 

"What the hell is taking it so long...." I mumbled. I heard a twig snap from in the woods. I figured it was just another kid coming to the bus stop. "Hello?" I shout. No answer. I shrugged it off as just an animal. But...why do I get the feeling I'm being watched?

Monsters Need Love Too ((OlderSallyxJeff))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt