Chapter 4

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My parents called the police that morning and explained the scene to them. They simply told us to give them a call if he came back. 

The next week, I didn't go to school in fear he may be there watching, waiting to finish what he started. After awhile, my mother convinced me that it was alright to go back. I began to think that since he hasn't been here in a week that he's least likely to show up now. I started to relax and let my guard down. Though, each day, I still grew fearful walking by those woods. Seeing as my father was at work constantly and doesn't get off until 8:00 at night and my mom can't drive, I'm left with no choice. 

The police haven't been able to find him. The man who stalked and attacked me is still out there, waiting.

I stood as far from the sidewalk as I possibly could with out being hit by a car each day. Every time I heard a single branch snap I'd scream and jump further into the street. I get all kinds of angry comments and car horns. 

Today in school, I over heard some girls talking about their usual gossip, but they said something that caught my attention.

"I was watching the news with my mom last night and apparently, there's some serial killer wandering the woods. They think it's Jeff."

"Who's Jeff?"

"Some guy who went insane. Apparently, five years ago he murdered his whole family and now he just goes around killing people."


"Who the hell knows? They said he was crazy before." She began to whisper so I had to listen closely.

"All I know is he sneaks in through your window in the middle of the night and stares at you until you wake up. When you do, he whispers 'Go to sleep.' And then kills you. Not a single person has survived his attacks and the ones that do he usually comes back for."

"That's fucked up and stupid."

"Well, you won't think it's so stupid when he's in your room tonight."

"Shut up!" They all laughed.

I quickly jumped out of my chair, shaking. Everyone turned and looked at me. I backed out of the room and made my way to the bathroom.

I sat on the floor of the bathroom stall crying and shaking. I was scared out of my mind, I knew he was coming back, I just knew it.

School was finally over and I got off the bus. I stood on the curb and walked down the street. I got a strange feeling. This feeling felt familiar. I stopped walking, looking at the ground. I slowly lifted my head and looked towards the woods to see those oh, so familiar eyes. I screamed and fell back into the street. I heard a loud horn and tires screech. I looked up only to get a glimpse of the bumper of a car before my world went black.

Monsters Need Love Too ((OlderSallyxJeff))Where stories live. Discover now