Chapter 9

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"Well how do you plan on doing that?" The link boy raises an eyebrow.

"Well, I-" Someone who looked to be about Jeff's age entered. He wore a black hood, jeans, and a blue mask. The mask had some sort of black ooze coming from the eyes. I mean eye sockets. 'What the hell are these people?' He walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Where have you been? Slendy's been looking everywhere for you." Link chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his head.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you that."

"Doesn't he know I do my killings at night?!"

"Yeah, but you told him you'd be home today." The eyeless one said.

"Oh....heh heh....yeah."

"Who's slendy? " I whispered to myself. The eyeless one began to talk again.

"You better hope that slendy isn't too mad."

"Yeah, right..." Jeff mumbled.

They began to speak quieter and I couldn't make out what they were saying. I pressed my ear to the glass to try and hear better, but with out any luck, I sit back on my heels and sigh. With all of those... monsters, there's no way I'm going to be able to get to Jeff. I looked down trying to think of something. I looked at the knife sticking out of my backpack.

"Its been awhile, Sally." I froze as I heard a voice from behind me. I slowly turn my head, afraid of what might be awaiting. I turned to find a tall, thin, faceless man in a black suit. I screamed as loudly as my voice would allow. Then, everything went black.

When I next awoke, I saw two blurred faces above me. I could hear them talking softly.

"Who is she?"

"This is Sally. Slendy found her outside."

"What is she doing here?"

"I don't know."

I felt a finger poke my stomach. I groaned in pain.

"Ben! Stop that!"

"Sorry, Splendor."

When my vision cleared, I saw a man with black eyes and a black mouth and link boy next to him, both standing over me. I screamed and sat up quickly, clashing heads with Link. I groaned in excruciating pain. That hurt more than it should of. I could hear the link boy yelling, "Ow! Why'd you do that?!" I rub my head and realize I had a gauze around it. I jump up and look around. I'm in the living room. I back up to the wall.

"Sally, are you alright?" The man who spoke seemed so similar to the man outside and in my drawings but he has a face, and he wore a similar suit, but it was covered in rainbow polka dots. He wore a top hat with a similar pattern.

"Who the hell are you?! Why am I here?!"

"Well, why don't you tell us." The tall man said.

"Wha-..what do you mean?" I said calming down a bit.

"Well, Slendy told us he found you outside." Link said.

"" I then curl up in a ball.

"P-please, I-i didn't mean to intrude..d-don't hurt me, please.." I plead.

I, then, hear the tall man chuckle. "I'm the nice brother. And Slender's instructed all of the others to leave you alone."

"Who's Slendy?" I look around realizing I didn't have my book bag. I spotted it in the corner of the room, wide open. I stood up and ran over, grabbing it. I looked in to find the knife, my clothes, my books and money in place. I sighed in relief. But.... where's my notebook? I turned to see the eyeless one sitting on the carpet, flipping through the pages of my secret book.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He simply looked up at me then back down at my book.

"You're an amazing artist. Are you sure you've never met us before?" He asked, raising the book, showing me a drawing that looked distinctly similar to him.

"Well.. I um... most of you guys are on the news..... a lot. I thought you guys were interesting, so...I drew you."

He laughed. "Oh, so were famous?"

"More like infamous."

"Well, what about this one." He begins flipping through the notebook. This made my stomach grow tight. That was my diary, my canvas, my life. He has my fears, my secrets, me, right in his hands. He lift the book, showing me a drawing of the tall, thin, faceless man, with a black suit. His tentacles stretched out in all directions. "You asked who Slendy is. Well, it seems to me you know him quite well."

"Th-that's Slendy?"

"Yep." I looked at him confused. I, then, quickly snatch my notebook.

"Why were you looking through my backpack anyways?!"

"I got curious." he shrugged innocently.

I look down at him furiously, crossing my arms. He stood and walked over to link. "Wait until Jeff finds out she's here." I turned and looked at them, wide eyed. "Wait, Jeff's here?" I asked fear lacing my voice. All three of them turned to look at me.

"You know Jeff?" The black eyed one said.


"Jeff the killer?"


"And he didn't try and kill you?"

"Link, he's a killer. Of course he tried to fucking kill me."

"I'm not link!"

"Calm down, Ben. We'll introduce everyone later. But, you lived through Jeff's attack?"

"Well, yeah... he attacked me and thankfully my rooms aren't sound proof. My dad heard me scream and came upstairs with a gun. So, Jeff ran. He's been stalking me for the past few months..."

"So you're the one he's been talking about."

"Wait....what?" Before I could get any more out of the eyeless one, a familiar tall, faceless man entered the room.

Monsters Need Love Too ((OlderSallyxJeff))Where stories live. Discover now