Chapter 12

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I groaned in excruciating pain as my eyes slowly fluttered open, only for me to quickly shut them as my world spun around me. I brought my hand to the back of my head, sending a sharp pain through-out my skull. I winced in pain as the gasps, muffled chatter, and booming footsteps became more notable. I was soon surrounded by a huddle of worried faces, a small remark being made every two seconds like, "Oh, Zalgo, are you ok?", "What a clutz.", and "Oh, shit, she isn't dead, is she?"

I moaned once again, slowly balancing myself on my elbows, going slow to prevent the quick approaching dizziness. I looked around at the monstrous faces that crowded me, just as my eyes landed on an all too familiar face in the back of the crowd. My eyes widen in fear as I stared into those cold eyes once again, the feeling from before making itself clear that it was still there. My voice caught in my throat as I attempted to muster out something, anything, just to keep my fear from boiling over inside of me. But, my attempts proved to be failures as a loud, high-pitched screeched escaped my lips. While most of the residence cringed at the sound, others remained unfazed. I quickly scrambled to my feet, pushing the crowd that blocked my only means of escape, and raced towards the large opening, throwing myself down a long hallway. My heart raced, as I desperately searched the dimmed hall for an exit. I glanced about, my mind currently in a fight or flight setting.

Without a second thought, I dove into the nearest room and close the door quickly, yet soft enough that it didn't draw attention from the unwanted crowd and locked it. I began to look around frantically, searching for any means of escape. I feel a sense of panic as I soon become aware that this darkened room has no windows. Though, barely a second after the realization comes to point, multiple, out of tune, footsteps begin to sound down the hall. My breath hitches in my throat as I glance around the room quickly, my eyes landing on a vent just barely noticeable behind the full-sized bed. The footsteps slowed, then came to a stop, a few voices sounded from a spot not too far off from my own. With no interest in their words, I quietly made my way to the surprisingly large air vent.

I softly moved the bed a side, feeling a bit grateful that the floors were carpeted, then knelt down in front of the crated vent. I tugged at the covering and felt a wave of relief wash over me as it smoothly slid from its place in the wall. After resting it softly on the carpet, I could hear the various steps move to random locations with in the hall. Not too long after, I heard the handle of the door jiggle slightly. Panicking once again, I began to crawl into the small space- feet first. Once in, I reached my arm out to pull the bed back into its original space and slide the crate in its rightful spot in the wall. Just as the crate clicked into place, the door swung open with a bit of force before a tall, yet broad form appeared in the brightly lit doorway. As they made their way into the room, I began to slide further back into the space-restricting hole. I watched as they looked in obvious hiding spots through-out the room, making sure to check each of them thoroughly. I held my breath to keep from drawing the creature to my spot of retreat. A few minutes went by before they seemed to have given up and they made their way to the entrance. The door was shut and all the room became dark once again. Once I felt the coast was clear, I let out a sigh of relief. But, the said relief was short lived when I soon became face to face with the fairly familiar link look a like.

"Found you!" He shouted in triumph. I screamed loudly in fear and shock as the boy recoiled and I attempted to jump from my laying position. But, I soon became aware of the limit on my movement when, my already bruised head came in contact with the thick metal wall just above my head and my world was reduced to darkness once again.

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