Chapter 6

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I woke up, sweat pouring down my face and my heart racing a mile a minute, causing the monitor to make an annoyingly loud and quick beeping sound. I look around my hospital room. My mom and dad were still asleep in their chairs. A nurse rushes into the room and checks my monitor.

"Sally, are you alright?" I nod as she checks all the beeping machines.

"Alright, everything seems to be fine." She said as she exits the room whilst writing something down on her clipboard. I reach down and pick up my mother's purse. I began digging through it until I find my phone. I pulled it out and checked the time, setting my mothers purse down. '5:52'. I groaned quietly. I laid there hoping I wouldn't fall asleep. After a long 3 hours, my dad finally woke up. He stood and walked over to my bed.

"How ya feeling?"

"I'm ok, I guess." He gave me a small smile, and rubbed my arm.

"Well, I'm going to wake your mother and head home, if that's ok with you."

"Of course. Mom looks exhausted, anyways. You need to get home and rest." He smiled and woke my mother. They got their stuff and headed home.

I spent the whole day watching nurses go in and out of the room checking the charts, machines, giving me medicine, etc. It was a painfully boring day. A nurse came in and told me I could go home by tomorrow morning. Great. Just what I need, to go back to where that bastard can find me.

That night I slept heavily do to the drugs they put me on. Luckily, I didn't have any fucked up nightmares. The next morning the nurses came in with my clothes, and backpack. I'm surprised they didn't give that to my parents. 'Oh well.' I got dressed, checked out of the hospital and headed home. My dad was waiting outside in his car. I guess he took off of work. The ride home was quiet, neither of us said a thing other than my dad asking me if I was alright, or how I'm feeling.

When we got home, I headed straight to my room. I pulled out my notebook and began to finish the drawing I had been working on. I had been drawing Jeff, but I just didn't have all his features down.

I had also been drawing other things. I'm not sure of what, but it was still in my memory. It was a tall, thin man who wore a black suit. He also seemed to have tentacles. And his face, I couldn't remember the features of it. Where have I seen this before?

Jeff, I had his clothes, hair, even the blood splatters just right but his face... I just couldn't get it right. That wide, crooked smile, those cold, hateful eyes... It had to be perfect.

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