Chapter 3

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Those cold, hateful eyes, in my room. They, once, just an itching paranoia that resided in a bush among the woods, stood in the darkest corner of my room. I laid there unable to move, unable to react, I was only able to stare in shock and fear. The silence was finally broken by the scuffle of feet across my floor. I snapped from my trance and quickly scooted back from the figure until my back was pressed against the head of my bed. I heard maniacal, psychotic laughter that sent chills down my spine. I began to shake in fear. He steps close enough that I can see his face in the moon light.

It was a sickening pale, with a smile carved into his cheeks, his never blinking eyes were wide and blood shot. He continued to laugh as he stepped closer. He wore a white hood and dress pants. I noticed there was blood smeared across the torso of his hood and something glistened in the moon light from his right hand. My eyes widened when I realize he was carrying a knife. 

I quickly looked around for something, anything to defend myself. I quickly took a pillow and held it in front of me. He began laughing once against but, a little louder.

"Do you honestly think that's going to work?" His voice was chilling. Not thinking, I tossed the pillow at the man, the pillow hitting him in the face, causing him to stumble back slightly. He looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"What the hell? Do you think this is a fucking pillow fight or something?" He stepped closer and now, he was at the foot of my bed. Tears gushed down my face as he reached his free hand a crossed my bed and placed it on my cheek. "It's OK, Sally. There's nothing to be afraid of." 'How the hell does he know my name?' That cold, twisted smile of his got wider. 

He climbed onto my bed, kneeling on it as he got closer. I pushed myself farther against the headboard, hoping, as if by a miracle, I would go through it. That obviously didn't work, so I coward in fear. "Your quite a beautiful girl, so it really is a shame that you have to GO...TO ....SLEEP..." he whispered as he raised his knife, cackling loudly. When he was close enough, I kicked his chin, causing him to fall back slightly.

"Why you little-" he began to lunge at me, but I kicked the knife from his hand. The knife fell to the side of my bed, tearing my cover as it fell. But I wasn't worried about that right now. He then, tackled me and restrained me with his hand and his legs on either side of me.

"You think you're slick, don't you?" I began to struggle. "Don't even bother." He began laughing again. He looked down. "You have a great body. Its too bad I'm gonna be tearing it to shreds." He continued to laugh as he place his arm a crossed my chest and shoulders. He reached down to pick up the knife then, froze half way down.
"What the hell?" He moved my hair from my shoulder, as I remained under his restraint. He touch the scar on my shoulder, causing it to burn. "How the fuck did you-?" He was cut off by the slamming of my door. I looked up to see my father standing in the door way, holding a gun. The man looked up and jumped off the bed and to my window.

"You lucked out this time." I heard him whisper before he lunged out the window and my father began shooting at him as he ran. My father soon lost track of him and stopped shooting. I ran up to him and hugged him allowing the tears to fall from my eyes. 

"Who the hell was he?" My father said as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"H-he's a monster..." I whispered through sobs. I got pajamas on and I took the pillows and covers from my bed, kicking the knife under as I did so to keep my father from noticing. I spent the night on my parents floor, staring at the ceiling trying to make sense of things before drifting off into a dreamless sleep. 

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