Chapter 11

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Sorry this chapters so short guys but anyways, comment, vote, and enjoy!


I woke to an unfamiliar room and an unfamiliar bed. I quickly sat up in the bed, delirious as to where I was. I jumped onto the floor looking around. The room was unfamiliar and still gave no sign as to where I was. I rush to the door and quietly pulled it open. I poke my head out and looked around. The hall was long and dull. The wallpaper was old and peeling, like the type you'd see in a haunted house. There weren't any paintings or photos on the walls, there was only a single window at the end of the hall in which stretched from the ceiling down to the floor. It was large so it allowed enough sunlight in to fill the entire hall.

I slowly take a step out of the room, and onto the carpet. I begin to walk down the hall, careful not to alarm anyone near by. I find a flight of stairs and slowly make my way down them. I begin to hear voices from the living room. The words were muffled and incomprehensible. I then reached the fifth stair when the floor boards of it creak loudly. I freeze and hold my breath, fearing the worst. The voices then stopped and all was silent. I listened for any kind of noise whatsoever. I heard the faint sound of footsteps on the stairs behind me. "Oh, hey Sally." My eyes widen and I quickly turn on the stair, only to get a quick glimpse of black and blue before I went tumbling down the wooden stairs. I hit the bottom and my head banged against the floor loudly, causing me to black out for a brief second.

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