Chapter 8

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I watched him as he limped through the woods, wielding a long blade. The blood from its last victim glistened in the moonlight and dripped off the tip. The sight turned my stomach. I closed my eyes and exhaled quietly. I watched as he got further and further away. I could attack him now and get all of this over with. But it would be easier to get him cornered and defenseless. I decided to follow him back to where he stays and attack then. I mean, he has to be staying somewhere if he's been alive for five years. 

I quickly jump down from the tree, tripping on my way down. I looked up from the ground to see Jeff turn around. I laid flat on the ground and hoped he wouldn't notice me. And to my luck, he turned around and continued to walk. I quickly stood when he was at a safe distance and hid behind a tree. I felt the top of my head to find it soaked. I looked at my finger tips and they were covered in blood. Damn.

I jumped quietly from tree to tree, making any noise faint and unnoticed. Each time he turned around or stopped, I held my breathe and hid. My heart would pound through my chest, and I would clutch the blade so tightly I thought I might break the bones in my fingers. This continued on for a good hour or so, until we finally reached a large, dingy mansion.

I stood back in the woods as he got closer to the house. I slid the knife back into my book bag. When he opened the door, I quickly ran to the window next to it. I peered in to find a room in which was well furnished. By the furniture in the room, I guessed it to be the living room. I watched as Jeff limped through the doorway and into the room. Someone I had not noticed before stood up from the sofa and turned towards Jeff. He looked to be about 12. He looked an awful lot like link from Zelda. But the only difference was his eyes were fully black with a red pupil and something black fell from them. 'What the hell is he?' I then, heard them talking so I listened closely.

"Hey, Jeff. What're you doing home so late? Who'd you kill this time?"

"Ben, would you just calm the fuck down for a second?"

"Dude, what happened to your leg? " I could see Jeff's sick smirk.

"I had a couple of fighters on my hand." The link boy chuckled.

"So how many did ya get? Was it a whole family?" Jeff laughed at his curiosity.

"Naw, I got the parents but the daughter wasn't home. But don't worry, I'll get her later."

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