Chapter Fifteen: More History

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4:30pm G~ i'm safe, don't worry abt me :3
My phone screen lit up as it buzzed on the kitchen table. I rushed to it, hoping it was Gracie, and that whatever it was that happened earlier wasn't because of something I did or said.
4:31pm dummy~ Why wouldn't you be, sweetheart? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?
Of course, how could he have known what Logan did? It's not like he had been here. I don't want to upset him, how could I tell him what happened? He would be angry, I don't want him to be angry on my behalf. It's not like I have a choice anyway. Logan is my Daddy, not David. I think I'm sad about that, but why? Logan loves me, David is too busy with work to have serious time for me, right? I wouldn't be happy with him, would I?
4:34pm G~ it's nothing, i pinky promise. i just had a small fight w/ my daddy is all.
      Bullshit it was a small fight. She wouldn't feel the need to tell me she's safe if she was never in any danger to begin with. I don't want to push her; she's clearly upset. I'm so angry, though, and I don't know what I can do without scaring or upsetting her more than she already is. I can't get angry, that would only frighten her. I can't push her away from me. I need her. She's my world right now, and I'm waiting for the day when I can finally take her from the life she's living now. She deserves to live every day like she's a beautiful little princess, not cower in fear at the slightest conflict. When I find out who this guy is, her current Daddy I mean, he's done.
4:38pm dummy~ Cutiepie, why would you have to tell me you're safe if it was just a small fight? I wouldn't think you'd be in any danger from a little disagreement. Is there something else going on? Is there anyone else you want me to talk to? Maybe a friend or someone who's keeping an eye on you where you are?
      He knows it was more than just a little fight. Oh no, is he going to be mad at me for it? Should I give him Leia's number? Will he yell at her? I'm so confused. I don't know what the right thing to do is. I just wish he was here. I wish I could run to him when it gets bad like this. I can't do that. I have Logan, I can't go to David like that.
4:43pm G♡~ uhm, i can give u my best friend leia's number? she can talk abt it better than i can rn :3
      Perfect. I just need someone to explain what's happening. I need to know if I should be out there right now. One word and I'm in Dayton before she can blink. Everyone will be fine without me. Ed and Luna are more than capable of holding down the fort for a few days while I sort this out.
4:49pm 213-447-5923~ Hi, is this Leia? My name is David. I was hoping you'd be able to tell me more about what's happening with Grace atm? She told me you'd be able to explain better rn.
      Ah, so this is David. I can't imagine what he's looking for me to say, but I'm surprised he cares this much for her. Grace needs someone like him in her life.
4:54pm Leia~ yeah this is leia, hi! its really great to hear from you, david, but im not sure what gigi wanted me to tell you, or what youre looking for me to say haha. could i ask what youre looking for?
      Should I ask if I'm needed out there? Should I extend myself that far already, or would that be too forward? Would they be put off by the suggestion?
5:02pm david~ I'm just trying to get the full picture of what's going on. Is there any assistance I can offer? If I'm needed out there for any reason I can drop my post at work and show up. My partners don't mind holding down the fort for me.
      Did he really just suggest coming all the way here? Would he really do that for her? I don't know what purpose it would serve, but I can't see the harm in bringing him out. If I'm completely honest with him, he'll be more inclined.
5:10pm Leia~ gigis boyfriend is a baaaaad guy. like, really nasty. he treats her like dogshit, and she thinks shes worthless. i keep trying to get her to leave, but she wont. she thinks that he loves her despite everything, and that leaving would hurt him too much. when she tells me about you tho? i can tell she feels a lot for you.
      I furrow my brow. Why hadn't Gracie told me any of this? Although, I suppose she wouldn't have wanted to give me any reason to worry, and I think my anger upsets her. Reasonably so. Does she think so much of me that it's apparent to others we have something special? Am I the reason she's being treated so poorly?
5:15pm~ Is he treating her so poorly because of me?

5:16pm Leia~ no its not you, i promise. i dont even think he knows who you are. it's just a control thing.
Okay, as long as I'm not making anything worse for her. I couldn't live with myself if it was a result of my care for her.
5:18pm david~ What can I do to make the situation better?
I guess now is as good a time as any to bring him out here. It has to stay under extreme wraps though. He can't stay with me, Logan knows where I am, that would be too risky since he can drop in whenever he pleases. I'm sure the guy can afford a hotel for a few days.
5:20pm Leia~ come out here? thats a heavy ask, but i think it would really be helpful for gigi. like you said, it wouldnt be a problem for you to drop everything and show up lol.
That's all I needed to hear. I'd have no problem getting there or back, and a hotel would be no issue whatsoever.
5:47pm david~ Flight booked, hotel reserved, and I'll be there by tomorrow afternoon around 3:15est. Does this work?
That's perfect. She's going to be ecstatic.
5:51pm Leia~ Perfect. See you then, David.

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