Take a Break

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Marcy hunched over the messy desk, papers and books stacking up into an impossible height. The trash bin next to them was filled to the brim with crumpled up paper balls.

Why were they doing this? It was because they had a final essay to write, which would determine if they passed the year or not. It was due in 2 months, but Marcy knew themselves well. They'd procrastinate until it was the last second, writing a half-assed essay during midnight and have to present that to the teachers.

Marcy wasn't about to hand in a half-baked essay that would say whether or not they would be held back, so instead they devised a plan to complete it in a few days so that they didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the two months.

One problem: they never take breaks.


Anne yawned and stretched her arms out, finally finished with watching a movie she loved. It was mainly because Marcy was too busy to give her any attention, so she distracted herself with the movie.

Going into the room they both shared, she saw Marcy still hunched over their desk. She rested her chin on top of Marcy's head, wrapping her arms around them from behind.

"Whatcha doin'?" Anne asked in a childish tone, knowing exactly what Marcy was doing.

Marcy smiled but ducked their head and pulled away from Anne. "I'm doing the essay, y'know the one that decides whether or not we pass?"

"Mmmmmm, how about you take a break?" A shit-eating grin plastered itself on Anne's face, making Marcy stare at her with an angry pout. "Anne, you know I can't take a break. This is super important!"

"Yeah but I'm important tooo!" Anne buried her face into the crook of Marcy's neck, making them yelp in surprise.

"Anneeeee!" Marcy whined, still attempting to focus on the essay. It was an uphill battle they were bound to lose.

"Cmon Mar, it's due in 2 months. Besides, it looks like you've gotten like all of it done, come take a break!" Anne kissed their cheek, making Marcy turn their head away and pout again.

"We can do this the hard way, or the easy way Marmar!" Anne said in an overly dramatic tone, putting a hand out for Marcy to grab.

Marcy didn't budge.

Alright, hard way it is then. Anne thought. In an instant she wrapped her arms around Marcy's waist and pulled them up and out of the chair onto their shared bed.

Marcy squealed and tried fighting back the inevitable cuddle attack, but it was useless. Anne attacked her with love and affection without hesitation, making Marcy fight back more.

Cuddling into her partner, Anne wrapped her arms around their waist and buried their face into Marcy's hair, kissing the top of their head. Marcy slowly stopped fighting, instead, starting to relax into the sweet and tender moment between them and Anne. Marcy allowed themself to be lulled to sleep as Anne whispered soft 'I love you's and 'please go to sleep or else I'll make you's, knowing that her partner also had a habit of staying up.

"I'm glad you took a break Marcy, even if I technically had to force you to." Anne filled the silence with her soft voice, managing out a chuckle.

Marcy laughed softly, head buried in their girlfriend's neck.

"I'm glad too."

total word count: 574

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