His soulmate mark

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And I give you somethimg to look at. Look at this cutie!


Shouta Aizawa was so happy he couldn't help the smile on his face. He found his soulmate; she was in a class two doors over. But his smile quickly disappeared at the scole that was on his soulmate's face. Her blue eyes glared daggers at him hoping something was going to happen. (Nothing did) then she pushed the raven haired boy down to the ground.

"I Yua don't want you as my soulmate" she snarled at the boy.

The two of them let out a scream holding their arms. It felt like someone was ripping something away from the two. After two minutes of pure agony the pain finally stopped and the two looked at each other. One kid with a smirk and the other in heavy tears.

AIzawa will never forget this day.


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