Spider Lilies

467 12 23

~Time skip~

(Aizawa is 23 and Izuku is thirteen) (ignore the age gap)


I made it to the classroom just as the last bell rang. I kept my head down as I walked to my desk. When I got there there were more of those stupid flowers at mt desk I just sighed as I picked them up except for one and threw the rest of the them out the open window by my desk. The teachers always kept it open to tunt me or to openly encourage me to jump out and do us all a favor.

I placed the single spider lily in my hair and in a matter of seconds it was all tangled into my hair. Kacchan had come in five minutes late and his face paled when he saw the flower in my hair. It's the last day of middle school so most of the teachers just put on a movie and got over and done with. So kids were talking with friends at their desks. Kacchan came up to me and gave me a big hug. He also tried to get the flower out of my hair. No use. It was now the last class of the day so the teacher came in and stood at the podium as she looked at us all. When he saw me she smiled and opened her mouth.

"Midoriya I see you finally got the hint that no one is ever going to love your ugly fat ass. I know that everyone wants to be a hero but the only one that might make it from this school is Bakugo. They would never expect something so useless in one of the greatest schools of Japan." she said and let out a giggle.

"Hey shut the fuck up you damn extra me and the nerd are going to be the next number one and two heroes! So you better watch how you talk to us!" Kacchan stood up and yelled at the teacher.

The bell went off and I was told to stay back. Kacchan said he was going into town for something and he would see me later. I nodded my head and walked up to the teacher one last time. She pushed me to the floor and poured her water over my head laughing. She then put her heel on my mini me, making me whimper. She then leaned over, grabbed me by the neck and whispered, "You know kid you go on and on about becoming a hero all the time. Well I have a wonderful idea on how you can get a quirk. Why not just go take a swan dive off a building and pray for a quirk in your next life? And if you don't get one then you're just doing your soulmate one hell of a favor." She then let me go and walked out of the room.

I got up with tears in my eyes and ran. I ran past the front gate. I had no real clue where I was running to but my feet stopped moving and I bent over to catch my breath.. When I could breathe again I let out a small huff. I could hear something coming from under ground and I went to run. I was surrounded by dark green goo like substances that came out of the manhole.

The putrid odor made me gag as it entered my mouth. It kept pushing its way down my throat making it hard to breathe. I clawed at it but it didn't do much so I looked for something else to try to get it to let me go. I was slowly running out of oxygen and I was seeing black dots in my vision. In a split second I heard.

"FEAR NOT FOR I AM HERE!" before being thrown across the ran and blacking out.

I woke up to someone slapping my face, making me jolt up. I quickly looked around, and I saw ALL MIGHT standing over me. I stood up quickly and grabbed my notebook to open it only to find that he had already signed it! I was so happy and I was going to ask him something, but it looked like he was going to jump. So I did too and latched onto him and in a blink of an eye, we were in the air. I screamed from the sudden height.

"Let go kid!" he told me.

If I dO tHeN i WiLl DiE! I shouted at him.

We landed on the roof and I let go of the pro hero. He went to jump again but had to know so I just blurted it out.

"Can I become a great hero like you? Even if I'm quirkless?"

He turned to me with a sad look on his face and all my hope shattered. " No you can't. It's good to dream but maybe make those dreams reachable. Maybe you can become a doctor or even a police officer?" with that he jumped away.

I thought about jumping but just walked to the door and luckily it was open. I walked down and looked up to see smoke in town. Then my feet ran towards the smoke. It took me five minutes of running until I stopped behind a crowd. Everyone was shouting for the pros to save the hostage but no one was doing anything. I looked to see who it was praying it wasn't my friend but sadly it was.

The next thing I know I pushed people aside to get to the front before running into the face and throwing my bag at the sludge villain's eyes. That gave Kacchan enough time to breathe. I went to grab the eye but something pulled me back. I looked up to see All Might. 

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