Bestie to the resue!

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I burst through the door with a big smile on my face. Although it faltered as soon as my eyes landed on my so-called father. I didn't see mom's car out front, so she's either at work or out doing something else. He could see the fear in my eyes when he went to say something when there was a knock on the door. He gave me a look that said that if I said or did anything, then it would be a lot worse.

I turned around and opened the door to see my best friend standing there with a big smile on his face. I smiled back at him and held out my arms for a hug, he gave it to pulling away slowly. "So what brought you over here, Kacchan?" I asked in a cheerful voice.

"One of the hag wants you to come over sometime this week if you can and two I did something for you." he said all happy.

I looked at him confused. "You. Every Tuesday and Thursday you'll be going to put your hands up radio" he said before I could ask him anything. I couldn't help the loud squeal that came out of my mouth but I was so happy. He looked at me and signed the mailbox. I just nodded my head and left.

I closed the door and the second it was closed a hand was wrapped around my neck. It was so tight that I had a hard time breathing. He was dragging me somewhere and I almost didn't recognize where we were until I saw a wall that made me tremble in his grasp. I struggled in his grasp but he didn't care. I knew that it was going to be alot worse than what it was years ago.

I was thrown against the wall and before I could move my hands were chained to the wall. I bit down on my tongue as I felt the whip rip my school uniform. It stung as he did it harder, by now my chest was bleeding a lot but could just be the way it looks. The snap of the whip echoed in my ears but if I made a sound or begged for it to stop then he'd get angry with me. If that happened then I have next to no clue what would happen to me or worse to............. my mom.

This went on for hours and when he got bored he would move to something different. This went on for a few more hours until his body was pulled to the ground by gravity. The ground was cold and stung against my new cuts and bruises.

I lifted up my head just enough to look around and to see that Hisashi was walking over to me. He slammed a glass bottle over my back making me flinch at the contact. I could feel whatever was left of my pants began to soak up with blood. My blood. It wasn't much but I knew that if I didn't get some type of help then I would pass out from blood loss. So waited for the sad exuse of a man to leave to the heavens to know where then very slowly got up.

I used the wall to keep myself up. When I got to the door I didn't look back knowing there was a drag mark of my blood on the wall. I opened the door and stepped out before making a run for my room. As soon as I got there I slowly pushed my dresser in front of the door. After that I grabbed all my notebooks and shoved them into my bag before walking to the window and pushing it open.

I used the wall to keep myself up. When I got to the door I didn't look back knowing there was a drag mark of my blood on the wall. I opened the door and stepped out before making a run for my room. As soon as I got there I slowly pushed my dresser in front of the door. After that I grabbed all my notebooks and shoved them into my bag before walking to the window and pushing it open.

I threw my bag out the window then jumped out too. I bit back the scream that wanted to come out from landing on my cuts. I pushed myself up and slowly made my way to Kacchan's place.I was dizzy by the time I got to his front yard but pushed myself to get inside the house. When I got the door open I walked in a closing the door bt I got super dizzy again and ended up knocking something over. I heard it shadder then everything went black.

~Lord explosion murdder~

The old man and hag went to have a date night or whatever. So I was at home by myself so when Iheard the front door open and close I thought they came home. But then I heard a shuddering sound then followed by a loud thud. I jump out of bed and go to the stairs expecting to see someone trying to rob the house but what I saw was ten time worse.

I rushed down the stairs and fell to my knees when I sat next to my best friend. He looked horrible. He had glass stuck in his back and it looked like he was hurt on his chest. I rolled him to his side and gasped at the sight before me. I ran back up the stairs and grabbed my phone running back down the stairs. I called 911 and dragged my best friend over to the wall and sat back and held him up with one arm.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" some male asked.

I quickly gave the man my location then said "My best friend just came into my house all bloody and beaten up, his back is full of glass and it looks like his chest is bleeding a lot." I said slowly as I could.

"Ok sir thank you I have an ambulance on the way right now please try to stay calm" he said.

"Should I press a towel to the chest wounds to stop them from bleeding out?" I asked the man.

"Yeah that would be a good idea sir"

(just because I watch Lone Star and other tv shows with this kind of call doesn't mean I know how to write it out with new to no sleep sorry)

After that I hung up and slowly set him down and ran to get a towel and rushed back before pulling him up and pressing the cloth to his chest. Izuku let out a hiss of pain before he started coughing up blood. It didn't take too long before I could hear the sirens. I sent the hag a message that I was going to the hospital and not to freak out or call the police when they got home.

The ambulance got here and took my best friend away from me and rushed him out of the house with me hot on their heels. I just sat there holding his hand not able to do anything but watch. By the time we got to the hospital I was paler than a ghost. I sat in the waiting room until I heard a very loud scream that sounded a lot like Auntie.

The hag and the old man came rushing into the hospital before they froze looking at me. Then we were snapped out of it when everyone in the waiting room and possibly the second floor heard, "IZUKU, DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON ME!" Everyone was either in shock or disbelief. Then we heard "HE"S MY FUCKING SON SO UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO EVEN MORE PISSED OFF DOCTOR THEN I FUCKING HIGHILY SGGEST THAT YOU HELP MY SON OR SO HELP ME!"

The employees were shocked to hear Inko yell, and it was most likely the first time they heard her scream like that. We were shocked because we had never heard Inko yell or cuss. A few hours of sitting there and waiting for someone to come get us, we finally heard the soft footsteps and looked up. I was met with Inko's puffy face, and my heart dropped. He can't be. He promised he would become a hero with me.

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