Quirk Time

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~Four years later~


(Aizawa is now 12 years old, and Izuku is four.)

Sunlight tickled my face as I opened my eyes slowly. for a second I wanted to roll over and go back to bed. But then I remembered what today was and threw my All Might blanket off me and sprung out of bed. I was moving just a little too fast and tripped over my feet and face planted on my floor. I just pushed myself up and ran down the hall and to mommy and daddy's room.

Their door was closed so I stood up on my tippy toes to reach the door. I got it open but fell on my butt I just jumped back up to my feet and ran into the room. I pulled myself up onto the bed and crawled over to the middle of the bed shaking my parents.

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up today is a special day!" the boy said happily as he shocked his parents.

"STOP THAT DAMN IT!" daddy shouted.

"I'm up sweetie I'm up" mommy said sitting up.

"Now what's so special about today? Hmm? It's only a friday." mommy said, looking at me.

"I turn four today AND I get my quirk today too" I said standing up with a big smile on my face.

"Oh yeah you do, now go get dressed and come down for breakfast. I'll make waffles and plate them with strawberries. How does that sound?" She said.

I was so happy I jumped up and down on the bed but wasn't paying attention to where I was going and fell backwards onto the floor with a loud thump echoing in the room. I sat up giggling before running out of the room and to mine. I pulled out my overalls and an All Might t-shirt and little black shoes. I grabbed my All Might action figure and ran down the stairs to find a sweet smell of waffles in the air.

I sat down at the table as mommy set a plate with waffle whipped cream and strawberries on it. She also set a glass of milk for me too. I happily stuffed my face with some waffles with a big smile on my face. I looked up when I heard the camera click and mommy was giggling at the picture.

Daddy came down the stairs in his hero suit and my face went from happy to sad. He kissed my forehead and walked out of the house.I went back to eating after a minute of staring at the door. When I was done I set the plate in the sink slowly so it didn't break then ran over to mommy. We walked down to the car and I buckled up super excited to find out what my quirk was going to be.

'I wonder if I'll get something like Kacchan's or maybe I'll get something like mommy or daddy's. Oh maybe I'll get something ice related or maybe I'll be an emitter quirk-' I was snapped out of my thoughts when my door opened.

It didn't take long for the doctor to call us back. I was giggling the whole way to the room Oh, God, would not sit still at all. I was too excited. The doctor got all of the things he needed. I jumped down to the floor and started running around in circles, giggling and laughing the whole time. Mommy took lots of pictures of me and said we could go get them printed before we go home. The doctor walked back in with a sad look on his face.

So what's my quirk? Is it like my daddy's? Can I breathe fire or something cool like that? Oh or maybe I have a mommy quirk. *Gasp* Do I have both of them? No ok maybe I can read minds or talk to animals? Ooo maybe I can fly, wait no I don't think so I'd need wings for that. Um, maybe I can make Illusion's." I went on and on with a smile on my face.

"Heh no kid you don't have any of those in fact you don't even have a quirk at all..." After that I didn't hear much.

I could see everything but I couldn't hear anything. Mommy and the doctor talked but it was quiet. Then I was picked up and we walked out to the car and I was bulked up before she got in the car. When we got home I was just sent to my room to play. The whole day I just sat on my bed hugging my pillow tears ran down my face the whole time.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up falling off my bed when my door was slammed open. Daddy was standing in the doorway glaring at me. It made a shiver of fear run through me the longer he stared at me. All I could see in his eyes was one thing. Pure anger. He walked in one step at a time making me move back until my back was against the wall and I was trembling under his gaze.

The next thing I knew I was thrown across my room. I could hear a faint sound but couldn't make out what it was. The next thing I knew I let out a high pitched scream as I felt something digging into my back on my shoulder making tears roll down my face. I screamed begging him to stop but he never did. He then moved thigh and this one hurt the most. I was screaming so much that my throat was worse from all the screaming.

He finally stopped getting off me and walking out of my room laughing.

The next week was fine but the child hid his injers from his mother and his second family the Bakugo's. They knew that something was wrong with Izuku but they never said anything to the kid. At school Katsuki or as Izuku call him Kacchan, he made sure that no one bullied him. But he's only one person. The teachers were no help to the young boy or they just didn't seem to care that it was happening.

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