Healing Process

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"He's OK, Katsuki, you guys can follow me," she said in a cracked voice.

We followed her down the hall and to his room. She stopped in front of a door, and without thinking, I slammed the door open. rushed in, not bothering to close it. I look up to see my best friend lying on the hospital bed with bandages around his whole body except for his face.

He looks peaceful sleeping like that. I smile at him, even knowing he can't see it. I sit down next to him in a chair and hold his hand in mine. I laid my head on the side of the bed, being careful not to lie too close to his body. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to feeling someone's fingers running through my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to see who it was. My red eyes met with bright green eyes looking back at me. I jumped up and ran to the door, throwing it open and running to get someone. When me and one of the nurses went back to the room, Izuku was giggling like a madman.

"Glad to see you awake," the nurse said, walking over to my best friend.

He checked on him before leaving the room to get a doctor. Izuku was still giggling as I sat down next to him. After a little while, he calmed down. The doctor came in with some food and told us that the nerd needed to stay at least a week to make sure that his wounds were healing well enough to let him go.

The nerd just nodded his head and ate his food with a smile on his face. He looks happy to be eating the food. I just shook my head at him as he happily munched on his last sandwich as the old hag came in with some guy following her.

"Hi, my name is Tsukauchi," the man said as he pulled out a recorder. "Is it alright if I ask you a few questions?" He asked calmly.

"Ok, we can start with your name and age," the man said after he played the recorder.

"Izuku Midoriya and I'm fourteen," Izuku answered.

"Ture," he sighed.

"Where or who gave you the wounds?"

"My father was in the house before I came home." Izuku said, looking away from me and the old hag.

"True, next, if possible,? can you tell me how he did it." the man asked again.

"He grabbed my neck and called me a kitten, and I couldn't tell if he was drunk or high. He then dragged me down to the basement he and my mom had in case our apartment was ever attacked by villains. When we got to the room, both my hands were chained to the wall where he used a whip on me. He got bored after what I think was four or maybe six hours and started using pet names and taunting me about how my soulmate wouldn't want me. When he was done, he unlocked the chains. I fell to the ground where he smashed some type of glass bottle on me. " He stopped to take a breather. " After he left, I dragged myself out of that place and over to Bakugo's place. " ended up knocking something over and that was the last thing I can remember." was the greenette's answer.

The man sighed and said, "Ture."

"Ok thank you Midoriya. I believe that's all for now. I hope you get better soon kid." with that he walked out of the room.

~3rd person pov~

Three weeks have passed since Midoriya was in the hospital and one since he was able to go home. Er goes home with his best friend. Everyone thought it was best not to let the teen be alone by himself after what happened. Within that week of being at his best friend's house he's helped with laundry, dishes, basically any chores to get him busy one way or another. He's been to the Put Your Hands Up radio station twice. Just simple questions but the greenette asked to keep his ideaty hidden from those who didn't already know. Present Mic was confused until the boy gave him an answer saying.

"One I don't want the attasion right away and two he didn't want it to get out right away."

The hero respected the boy's wishes and did his best not to talk to his soulmate and best friend about the little listener. The rest of the time the small green eyed teen was outside with Katsuki either working on something "top secret'' or doing some kind of training in one way or another. Whether that be dodging punches from his friend, doing push ups. Hanging from the tree; whether that be upside down or just using his arms. He also went on a two hour run two times a day. Before or after breakfast, after lunch and then went on a three or four hour run sometime after dinner.

Sometimes his best friend would join him in the mornings or at night. If not, then the teen would have some kind of protection on him at all times along with his phone. And He even has plans to meet up with some friends to do some 'extra training' at least that's what he told his mom. He know that if told her what he was really doing then he wouldn't be able to go or on the off chance and he could it would just make his mom even more worried about him.

Right now the green eyed teen was on the couch lifting a five pound weight in each hand. Well, at least until they were taken out of his hands by his friend, who was glaring at him.

"Here, eat something," the blonde said, shoving the food into my hands.

I ate the food as Kacchan went into the kitchen to do something. I was done by the time Kacchan came back into the living room. He sat down across from me as I set the bowl down on the coffee table. I moved closer to him, and he flinched when I laid my head on his shoulder, but relaxed after a minute. I carefully wrapped his arm around me. I think he did it this way in case I didn't want to be touched. But I didn't want to push him away. Despite him not being my soulmate, he makes me feel very safe.

I woke up to two arms wrapped around me, and I freaked out until I smelt the faint burnt caramel. That's when I relaxed and fell back to sleep. The second time I woke up, his arms were still around me, but I could smell food. I sat up carefully and looked up to be met with red ruby eyes looking down at me. I jumped, not expecting that, and landed on the floor with a yelp coming out of my mouth.

Kacchan helped me up and we went into the kitchen, where I just sat down, being quiet the whole time. When I was done, I got up and wrote something to my best friend and walked up to his room. I changed from the hoodie into one of his tank tops. After that, I walked to the guest room and grabbed my phone and headphones from my bag before leaving the house to go for a run.

Music played in my ears as I ran down the street in the early morning. I stopped to take a break when I looked up. I saw a beach. One half was clean; you could see for miles, but the other half was not. The area was filled with trash and junk piled as high as the eye could see. I turned around and ran to the store that I had passed a little while ago. It didn't take long, and I only left with three bags before running back to the beach again.

I pulled out a box of trash bags and took out a few of them. I got to work right away and started with all the trash. I got so lost in cleaning the beach that I wasn't paying much attention to the time. So when the sun set, I looked up to see a dark sky full of stars. I went for one last run to the other side of the beach before returning to my things and going back to Kacchan's place.

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