First day of school

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On Monday morning, I woke up to my so-called dad yelling and throwing things downstairs. I sighed and sat up, went to the bathroom, and took a shower. When I was done, I got out and went back to my room to change into the uniform. I made sure to brush my hair and teeth before grabbing my phone and placing it in my back pocket.

I double checked that I had everything I needed, then went down the stairs and over to the table. I picked up an apple and said goodbye to my mom before leaving the house. I walked for a bit until I got to the train station. I pulled out my phone to see a text from Kacchan.

'I'll see you at lunch, nerd. Have a good day or whatever'

I smiled at my phone, then got on the train and played some music until I had to get off the train. When I did, I put my phone back in my pocket with the music still playing. I made my way up the hill to my school that I'll be at for the next three years.

I stopped at the gates and smiled as I took a step forward. As I was walking, I looked around me in awe. The building was huge, and that's putting it lightly. The school was surrounded by a forest, and that made me smile even more. That means I can train in the forest some more.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and started falling forward. I stuck one hand out and pushed my lower body forward before landing on my feet. A few giggles escaped my lips and I walked into the building. 

I pulled out a map of the school and started walking around. I found the 1-A and 1–B classrooms but not my classroom. I looked around again then back at my map. I stared at it for a few minutes, then snapped my fingers and started to walk to my classroom, I hope.

A few minutes later and I found the right room. I made a mental note to have a second year or a third year give me a tour of the school if one of them had the time. I opened the overly larger door to my new classroom to see that it looked more like a workshop then a classroom, I shrugged my shoulders and walked in, looking around until I found a name tag on one of the tables with my name on it.

I took a seat on the bench and looked around the room to see if I could see tools, metals, wires, etc. There were a few goggles and some clothes of different sizes in one corner, folded neatly on the shelf. I pulled out some paper and a pen and started to sketch out some things. Nothing specific, just random things. I could see the other kids coming in and talking to friends or sitting down and just waiting for the teacher to come into the room, but the bell wasn't supposed to ring for another good two to three minutes.

By the time the bell rang, everyone was sitting down and quietly talking to each other. I had finished my pictures. OK, so yeah, I got bored and started drawing. Leave me alone. A few minutes later, Powerloader walked into the room, and everyone got excited all over again.

"Ok, I'm your homeroom teacher and your teacher for support class." I'm sure you all know my name already, so don't you all introduce yourselves to the class and tell us what your quirk is. " the man said.

So one by one, the kids got up and said their name and their quirk and even showed them off a bit. There were some interesting ones. I was already thinking of asking them questions about their quirks but knew that everyone knew the truth that it would be like middle school all over again.

Hi, my name is Hatsume Mei, and my quirk is called Zoom! If I focus, I can see things from far away!" The girl said.

"Ok, and you in the back?" the powerloader asked me.

I stood up nervously and walked up to the front, I turned to face the class and took a deep breath. "H-hi I'm Izuku Midoriya, and um, I'm quirkless."

I didn't wait and just sat back down at my desk again. It quite for a few minutes but before anyone can say anything Powerloder speaks up. "Ok nice now that everyone is interidosed then dose anyone know about my little trishion?" he asked the class.

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