Under attack?

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The next morning, Inko, Izuku's mother, was looking for her son. After about an hour of looking all over the house, she texted Katsuki and went to the office. It didn't take or the two to meet up. But a mother was worried for her child that she had yet to hear from in the last forty eight hours!

Ms.Miller smiled at the woman and told the two where they could find the kid. The two looking at each other before running to where Ms.Miller told them to go. When they got right outside the sead all they could hear was their son/best friend giggling like a madman. The giggles went on for another ten minutes before the giggling turned into straight up cackling and that sound alone sent shivers down their spines.

"IT WORKS AT LONG LAST!" is what they heard from inside, then the giggling continued.


The door opened and green smoke poured out of the room like it was fog or some shit. started smoking, which was all over his clothes, face, and hair. He looked up at his mom and best friend before BOOM. giving them a sheepish grin. Before anyone could say a word to the teen, the sound of something exploding was followed by the ground shaking. When the ground stopped shaking, Inko gave her son a pointed look that yelled, "Explain right now' making the teen throw his hands up in the air and say,"Has it started to rain rose pedals? Is snow falling from the sky? No, I didn't think so when something explosive gets heated up to the right temperature, it goes BOOM." he said making the hand gestures at the word 'boom' making him miss the brow the quirked up from his friend.

The blonde boy couldn't hold it in any longer and bursted out laughing. He stopped when Inko grabbed his ear. Izuku cleaned up his mess in the shed and locked up before walking up to his apartment. His mom demanded he take a shower to clean off all the gunk off him. This caused Izuku to giggle at his mother before going to his room for clothes.

Izuku grabbed his sweats and night shirt and clean boxers before going to the bathroom. Izuku had a quick shower to raise the green smoke from his hair. When he got out he changed into his clothes and walked back to his room to grab the blueprints before going back downstairs to face his mother.

As soon as he was downstairs he slapped the blueprints on the table in front of his best friend and his mom before sitting down. His mom picked up the blueprints and tried to understand what was on the paper but none of it made sense to her. So she passed it to the blonde next to her. He too looked at it but unlike the older greenette he looked up from the paper and at the small teen across them with his brow raised.

"You going to tell me how you got my sweat, nerd?" the blonde asked his friend.

"My lips are sealed," he said, zipping his lips closed.

"Right," he said.

If that's all, then I need to go back to my room to look for something." He said shooting out of his seat.

He was up the steps to the stairs before either of the two could say anything more. The blueprint is missing from the table. The two at the table sighed but said nothing. They could hear things being thrown and Katsuki had enough and quickly stood up and muttered under his breath "that damn nerd" and made his way up to the boys room.

"There on the top shelf by your notebooks." He said, as he walked into the room.

Izuku then grabbed a few that didn't need a second singer and neatly placed them in his bag. He swung the bag over his shoulder and left the house. His mom left a few minutes before him for her shift. Izuku decided to walk to the radio station rather then taking the train.

By the time he did get to the radio station, there was a huge mob of people outside the building. Izuku let a small smile grace him face knowing he had to find a different way inside. He was at least ten to fifteen minutes early. So he walked into the alleyway. He looked around until he saw his way in.

"And now to get in" he muttered to himself.

He jumped from one building to the next since they were so close. He was on the roof of the building next to the radio station. He took a second to look at the window that was open and let out a sigh. Knowing he wasn't going to fit with his bag on he took off before throwing it into the open window. "What the hell?" He heard. He giggled and walked to one side of the roof for a head start.

He rolled off the building and landed in a tuck roll into the window. He jumped to his feet with a satisfied smile on his face. He looked over at Mic, who looked ready to fight and fell to the ground laughing. He stood up and smiled at the man before picking up his bag.

"So should I wait here or go to the recording room?" Izuku asked.

"The recording room," Mic said.

"Cool, don't mention this on air," Izuku said, walking into the other room.

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