Heaven's Arena pt.1

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Izuku woke up to the sound of the rain hitting the window. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked out the window, watching the rain fall to the ground. He got up and packed a suitcase with money, seven sets of clothes, and a second pair of shoes. He looked around his room to see if he was missing anything. He snapped his fingers and ran to the other side of his room to pick up a few things. He put them carefully on top of his clothes.

With that, he smiled and closed the suitcase. He changed into a navy blue muscle shirt, green camo pants, and black boots. He threw a black eraserhead hoodie over the muscle shirt. He looked over at the time to see that it was 6:47. He walked to the kitchen with his suitcase, phone, and headphones.

He made some food and ate it before writing a note to his mother before leaving with his umbrella. He jogged over to the train station and waited for the train to pull up. He's waiting under his umbrella, slowly breathing in and out. When a man with black shoulder length hair stands next to him. The man is more on the skinny side. He has dark bags under his eyes and some stubble on his face. From the looks of it, he needs a nap or sleep.

Just as the train pulls up, Izuku can't help but whisper "Eraserhead" in awe. The man in question looks over at the greenette with shocked eyes. The train doors open and the boy rushes in to get out of the rain.

With headphones on and music blasting, Izuku closes his eyes, calmly listening to the beat of the music. He tapped his foot to the beat of each song as the music played on. It took no longer than an hour for Izuku to get to his stop. He got off the train with the rain still coming down on him. It was light, unlike early this morning, so he didn't bother with the umbrella. He walked for a little bit in the rain until he saw his friends.

He saw the older one first, with his snow white hair and light blue eyes, looking around with one in his pocket and the other one behind him holding the back of his soulmate's shirt. Izuku giggled and ran towards them. He knocked the two boys to the ground in a big hug while he was giggling. The three teens sat up, and their brown eyes stared into bright green ones. The two greenettes hugged each other, laughing.

"Izu!" The blue eyed boy said happily.

"Gon! Killua! It's so good to see you guys again. " Izuku said to his friends.

"So have you found your soulmate yet?" Gon asked.

"No, I haven't, but I have a lot to tell you both." Izuku said as he stood up.

The three of them got up laughing. They all made their way through the streets. Izuku tells them what's been going on since the last time they met up. He told them about school and about Bakugou. He was happy to see that they didn't care that he was quirkless. They also told Izuku about an upcoming mission that they're going to be working on.

They stood in the long line to get into the building. Luckily, they had gone and bought snacks and some drinks beforehand. The two soulmates and their friend all just played on their phones for a few hours. By now it was already noon, and they were in front of the building. Thank God the boys all thought at the same time. They looked at each other before they all burst out into a fit of laughter.

They all stopped laughing when Izuku fell to the ground, holding his thigh. Killua was the first to see and bent down to make sure his friend was alright. The boy could see that his friend was in pain if Izuku, biting his lip and digging his fingers into his arm, drawing blood, was any clue.

Gon was the one to pull Izuku's hands away from his arms. He held them in his hands in a gentle manner. He looked up to see his friend's eyes glossy. He pulled the younger boy into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Izuku pulled away and they walked into the building.

The floor was tanish carpet with huge windows that almost went up to the roof. The walls were off white. There was a desk with a glass over it and a lady with dark blue hair sitting inside it. Off to the side, there were a few black tables and chairs scattered around, and a few light brown benches against the walls. On the far left side, there looked to be a few vending machines.

"Hi Rin!" Gon said happily.

"Hi boys, you know what to do," Rin told the two soulmates.

They nodded and stepped to the side. Izuku stepped forward with a shy smile on his face. Rin looked him up and down before letting out a sigh. "Ok, sign this and you can follow the two in front of you to the rings." She said, pointing at his friends. "Use of your quirk before level fifty is not permitted, and if caught before level fifty, you will be disqualified. If you somehow make it to level fifty, you can use your quirk or any weapons you have on you. " Rin sighed when she was done.

Izuku signed the paper and gave it back to the lady with a smile on his face. He walked to his friends, and Killua slung his arms over his friend and his boyfriend. They walked down the hall until they entered a large room that was filled with people. A lot of them were in the stands, but you could see one on one from the stairs.

"Come on, we'll sit down until they call our names," Gon said, already skipping down the stairs.

Killua and Izuku followed him, laughing at him. They all sat down, and Izuku pulled out a bottle of juice from nowhere. Gon looked confused, while Killua just sat back and laughed at his boyfriend's reaction. They sat there talking mostly with the two soulmates, explaining the rules. Or the do's and don'ts. Killua was called to the ring and the others wished him luck before he left for the rings.

Five minutes later, some guy walked up to the two boys and called them both down to fight. They both jumped up and smiled as they were led to the ring for their first fight. The two went to different rings for their fights. Izuku was a little nervous, but he got this. He slowly walked on to the mat and took slow deep breaths as the man in front of him smirked down at Izuku.

Izuku looked up to see a man with dark purple skin and scales going up and down his neck and his arms. He was bald, but his eyes looked like they were piercing into his soul, making the poor kid shiver. The ref came over and blew a whistle, and the man charged at Izuku. Only the green-haired man stepped in a panic, making the man fall on his face. This made the man mad, and he got up and charged at Izuku again, faster this time.

Izuku knew a thing or two about being bullied his whole life. So, with his quick reflexes, he bends down low and swings his leg under the man, making him fall backwards, but before he falls all the way, he kicks his foot out, pushing the man out of the ring.

"And Izuku WINS!" The ref screams, holding up his hand.

The greenette walked off the ring with the paper in his hand with a smile on his face. He looked over just in time to see Killua knock out his opponent. He waved my hand up at him. We all meet back up at our stuff. We grabbed our stuff and Izuku followed the two soulmates to the elevator.

"So what floor do you guys go to?" Izuku asked, a little nervous.

"Same floor as you!" Gon said happily.

"Yeah, we wanted to see you in action, man," Killua said, elbowing him in the side.

"Floor?" A male asked, scaring the three in the small space.

"Gah!" Izuku shouted, jumping back and holding his chest.

The two soulmates looked at him and laughed at his reaction. but looked at his paper and told the man what floor they were all going to. They went up to the floor, and when the doors opened, the male spoke up once more.

"Enjoy your time here at Heaven's Arena."

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