A Broken Bond

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When the young boy first saw his soulmate mark and could understand what that meant he would stare at it for hours. He traces it sometimes to calm him down from having a panic attack or after his bullies beat him up for heaven knows how long.

Izuku woke up to the sound of the rain and the sound of his best friend fighting with his mom. A loud scream came out of the boy when he heard the loud sound of the thunder. It was also so strong that it shook the house. The green eyed boy fell off his bed and curled up to himself letting out a loud whimper.

Looking up from his knees, Izuku saw bright red eyes staring back at him. A smile on the boy's face looking at him. Izuku jumped into his freinds arms at the sound of the thunder. The slightly older boy had picked up his friend and set him on the bed. It was the frist day of middle school and Katsuki decided to pick out his friend's outfit. The younger boy agreed only if he got to do the same.

That's how the boys showed up to school. The blonde had blue ripped skinny jeans, a red t-shirt that had a skull on it. A black leather jacket and black combat boots on. Izuku walked in wearing something simailler to his friend. Black ripped jeans, a bright yellow 'Put Your Hands Up' shirt on. He also had a jacket on, only it was a jean jacket and also wearing a pair of black combat boots on. Katsuki went as far as to spike up the boys hair too.

The morning was going normal has it can be. In the first period, Izuku was sent to the office for something that he didn't do. Nothing bad happened in the second, third, and fourth periods. At lunch, a teacher asked Katsuki to take something to one of the teachers, and Izuku tagged along. Izuku was talking to his friend about an underground hero that had just retired from old age. That's when he looked up to see a girl with brown hair and blue eyes laughing with her friends. She ended up pulling her long hair into a messy bun, now revealing her soulmate mark. It was a single music note with flowers around it. It was still black and gray. Katsuki went to the teacher while the greenette followed him but ended up tripping over his own feet and falling flat on his face.

Someone came rushing over to help him up. Whoever it was made light sparks shoot up both their arms. Izuku sat up and looked at who was helping him up. "So beautiful," he mumbled, causing everyone to giggle, including the girl. The bell rang and Izuku went back to class.

After lunch was over, he went back to his class with a smile on his face and held his phone like it was a lifeline. He had left the room after not seeing his friend anywhere, but was disappointed when he didn't see him anywhere on the school grounds and was slowly starting to worry. That was until the boy walked into class with a large smile on his face, making his smile somehow brighter than normal. 

Katsuki watched as he friend did what ever he could to protect the phone from everyones eyes. Just before the bell rang he took the phone from his friend and shoved it into his pants and yelling at everyone in the room. "YOU WANT HIS PHONE? COOL THEN YOU CAN FIGHT ME FOR IT!" look at the green eyed boy with a smile before sitting down.

The teacher came in holding a vase of flowers in her hands. She set the vase on the table and called Izuku to the front. "Someone left those for you in the office dear."she said in a sweet voice that sounded like it was dripping out overly sweet honey. He turned around and walked back to his seat with the vase. In the vase was a bundle of red spider lilies.

Slowly, over the days after school, he would meet up with his soulmate somewhere and they'd talk about their days or what they had planned for the weekend. Sometimes they meet up at the park while Izuku would have a light training workout. Izuku took his soulmate out on a date to the fair that was in town. The two laughed at some people at the fair. Izuku had also won a blue owl at one of the games for the girl. The two would just go for a walk in a park laughing and talking to one another. Or evern just seating at one of their houses watching a movie.

That all changed when she found out. She broke it off in front of the whole school emberassing Izuku. What she didn't know was how much pain from the bond had nearly killed him. Izuku became restected and only talked to his mom and to his best friend. As soon as he got home he went to his room. Barely toched his food anymore. 

Over the year, it hurt him to think of his old soulmate. But one day when his mom was out overnight, case he woke up screaming out in pain. Beads of sweat covered his body and damping his blankets and his sheets. He got up through the pain and took a shower hoping that would help.

When he got in the shower he washed his body slowly and bit his lip to stop him from moaning from the overly sensitivity. But that all changed when he was done and drying off. On the inside of his inner thigh very close to his crotch was a cat sitting in a tea cup with a heart on it. He didn't know what to do so he covered it up with make-up.

No one's ever seen it.

No one ever heard of it.

And that's how Izuku wanted it to stay.


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