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At school we have these things called 'demerits' or 'infringements' and it states that if you get five, you get a lunch time detention.

I have been given a lunch time detention for tomorrow but I only have four infringements. FOUR.

Unless someone gave me an infringement for not being at school today then THEY CANNOT DO THAT.

I am so done with my school right now. It and everyone that's in it (except for people I like o3o) can officially smd!!

I already hate school, thank you for making me hate it more!!

Maybe I should just do a Tate and shoot up the school?? That'll solve everything.

*warning!! All my friends that are reading this, don't come to school tomorrow if you want to keep your life. Also bring some bail money*

-The pissed off fucker about to kill a few hundred people (:

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