
50 7 3

So the other day smackinharrysbum and I went to this huge ass shopping centre called High Point

I seriously have a curse though cause usually the whole population of hot guys is there but when I go. OH NO. FUCK YOU EMILY. there's only like 5 aposed (wtf how do you spell it?!) to like, 50 and I'm just like ASDFGHJKL

Yeah so anyway, we bought a whole bunch of stuff.

For once I didn't waste my money on just food and actually bought clothes!! 4 tops to be exact!! #winninginlife

Yeah so anyway (again), Kara and I come across a 5sos shirt with the old, better, logo on it and I'm like HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT YES. no naturally, we buy it.

But then!!! I show my mum when I get home all the things I bought and everything cause I was really proud that I didn't just pig out like I usually do....

Totally not doing that while writing this.. Psssshhhhh

And then NEXT MOTHERFUCKING MOMENT. this is actually pretty sad :')

"Oh, that's my size not yours. That's a size 14 in ladies."

DONE. DONE WITH THE WORLD. *drops microphone. Flips table. Walks off stage. Walks off earth. Walks off universe* it is possible don't question me.

Yeah, so I'm so used to getting kids sized clothing (cause we got this at Target cause we just getting those brands like what) there and I thought this was kids size but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

So yeah. Pretty sad with myself for not even checking. I tried putting in on me, I'm pretty sure that if you look near my arm you can see my boobs through the hole.

-that girl that just wanted to write something at.... 10:35 at night!

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