Random Shower Thoughts #2

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Happy ending are overrated and just flat out wrong

I mean, what's the fun in a happy ending? Sure, the girl gets the guy and the guy gets the girl then they go and have a million babies and your OTP finally has the seemingly perfect life. That's fun and all, but what's the point? There's never such thing as happy endings. The girl or the guy could die at a young age and that would leave the other half of your OTP heartbroken, there could be a terrible accident where one of them gets seriously hurt, where they could go into bankruptcy and become homeless. Anything bad you could think of, in reality, could happen.

When you've finished your book or movie or TV show or anything where they win against the attackers, save the universe, finally get piece, has no one thought about what it would be like after? Sure there are prologues to show them in maybe 5 years time but why stick to the cliche stuff of always having a happy ending? I know it takes a lot to get to that happy ending, the lives lost, the betrayal, the fights, anything, but as soon as they get their happy ending it seems that they forget about everything else when really, you could never forget if your friends had died or the betrayal you've experienced, but in movies/books/TV shows, apparently they do.

I know it's all meant to be fiction or a 'fairy tale' but I would like to see when someone attempts to portray life how it actually is instead of sugarcoating it with 10 layers of icing and whipped cream to the point that the story isn't anything like life - the cake - its just the icing, the life we all wish to live.

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