M.I.A And Scarring Nightmares

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(I literally didn't even read this over I just published it after writing it in 5 minutes so I'm sorry in advance)


So I realise I haven't been on here fora good few months (and in saying that its most likely been more than a year - but does it look like i keep track of time?!) but I have decided to grace all you dumbasses reading this book (but like seriously - why?!) with my presence as well as a new story.

So i'm known to have really fucking crazy nightmares like woah-fucken-oh this goes way past psychologically scarring like if someone were to compile together all my recent nightmares they'd think I was a deranged, murdering, psychopath.

Or an intellectual could come along and say "this bitch obviously has too much time on her hands and just watches random shit all day - god go get a life already." and would be so correct it'd blow everyone away.


It was a phenomenon happening to select people where your dreams are so bad they seem to be real and effect people around you with the same problem too. I've had this dream before. Last time I was being controlled by a fat man claiming to be a doctor. It was in the olden days and it was inevitable that I was going to die in the end but I was lucky and somehow got a whole bunch of people to form an angry mob to run after him. He tried throwing his scarf at me cause he was slow idk why and I ended up strangling him with it. This one I just had was far scarier though because of the detail in it. It started with me in a poorly lit room that looked exactly like mine but I knew it wasn't. I was staring in my mirror and when I turned around there was a skeleton used for bio or something just sitting on my bed. I didn't notice it really because idk why. So I looked back to my mirror, heard a whoosh, turned around, and saw it had a lab coat on. I turned back around to the mirror. This went on for a while until he had a lab coat, beige pants, some sort of shirt, blonde hair, and a name tag on like he was some sort of science teacher. I was freaked out now but I still turned back to the mirror. When I looked it the mirror this time though there was gibberish written all of my face that looked like something you'd find in ancient runes and looked like some kind of symbols written in white chalk paint. So I turned around to the look at the skeleton which was now pointed to look at me and I looked back to the mirror but the mirror was full of the symbols and gibberish in that white chalk marker as well as my face. This is when I got really scared and I don't remember what happened properly but something bad did I know. I turned around and lunged at skeleton sitting on my bed because I thought Chiara was playing a prank on me or something...? And then everything went black. When I came to I was in a classroom just observing with some entity standing next to me observing as well. I knew there was something there yet not seeing anything and he basically told me all this bad stuff was happening to me because I was a shitty science teacher that just did run of the mill stuff and that's when I knew I wasn't my self but I was seeing through someone else's eyes.

It then switches to Abby's room but with one single bed in the middle of the room but nothing else and it was dark and windy. I'm standing at the doorway and there's a guy strapped to the bed with so many straps that it ran all over his body and even over his face so I couldn't see who he was but he was screaming and there was this bulky thing watching over him and the entity that was telling me I was a bad teacher in the last scene is suddenly there but inside my mind sort of narrating. He told me that the guy looking over the guy in all the belts and harnesses rips him apart and then puts him back together just to do it all over again every night.

I go to Chloe's room and it's dark in there as well. There's a faint light coming from there like there was a tv on static or something. The entity in my head narrates again that some people's 'nightmares' are so severe that they something implant themselves on the human world and if is driven by so much fear can become corporal and at times physical. I'm looking at the bed when hands that look like shadows appear out of nowhere and start thrashing about and trying to grab for me. I pick up something idk what and throw it at a speaker on the bedside table and it suddenly starts playing a narrated story that Chloe usually listens to to go to sleep and the lamp instantly turns on as soon as I hit the speaker and the hands are gone.

Now that light is on, everything seems much more lighter, so I walk down the hallway into the kitchen then into the loungeroom where dad is sitting watching tv. It looks like a memory from my childhood where I had had a nightmare and had come out since I was scared and dad asked 'what're you doing up' before escorting me back to bed while I was still half asleep but this time after he said what're you doing up I didn't answer anything. I haven't spoken this whole time except when I screamed and lunged at the skeleton. Also apart from when we were talking about why I was a bad teacher but that wasn't me I was just watching through his eyes. Anyway when I didn't say anything he repeated the question and stared. Gradually his eyes got bigger and bigger until the were too large and turned black and his mouth unhinged and he roared at me with black features like a ghoul or something.

Some more stuff happened and now it's IVE remembered that I've already had a dream like this a while ago and that this whole phenomenon thing isn't new and that it's happened before. I have flashbacks of my old nightmares that happened in this 'nightmare complex world'. I'm walking around with another version of me who is explaining what each person dreams of and their specific 'monster' or 'demon' you could call them. Erica was here too. She was walking with what felt to be a toddler or a baby or something idk but I remember from last time that she had this demon thing tormenting her that would strip her and rip her skin off one strip at a time and it would start again the next night. There was also something about a pool and drowning but it's not letting me remember properly. I just remember the picture of blue water and the feeling I shouldn't go there.

**(There might be names in there and shit you don't understand but don't worry about it I'm sure it'll make sense.... somewhat)**

If this interests you at all (idk why my scarring life would like ???) just shout and I'll go digging through my many conversations that are mostly in capital letters to find other nightmares I've had and written down somewhere.

K bye!! 

-- Trash out *drops mic* 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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