The Pain!!!

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So not yesterday but the day before, I fell over in netball trials and omfg I scraped my leg so bad!! We were outside so thee was this huge gash on my knee. Scary thing, it was a perfect circle.

Yeah so as I'm getting it cleaned up, I'm just sitting there while its numb and blood drips down my leg so that's all fun and dandy!!

Now fast forward to today. The gauze pad I had on it, the blood had seeped through and was sticking to actual wound *yay me* so I literally ripped it off because if wouldn't come off. Worst. Mistake. Of. My. Life.

So when I take the bandage off, it's all gooey and red and *shiver*


so right now, I'm sitting here after my mum has put this kind of red/brown liquid that stops germs in getting it infected and after I dragged my ass to my room *quite literally* and now I'm sitting on my bed with this blood-like liquid dripping down my leg while the wound stings like hell and is throbbing.

Oh! I forgot to mention!! I can't even fricken bend my knee because it won't let me!!

Yay me!!

-That bitch in an immense amount of pain.

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