Scarlet Letter- Chapter 20

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"Awww, that's sad. But it's okay. I definitely understand," I told Louis. He said that he couldn't go to my party tonight because he's busy. Hmm. Probably his girlfriend doesn't want him to come. Let's see about that.

I called my newest boyfriend, Harry Styles.

"Hey there, beautiful," he greeted.

"Can you make Louis come to my party later?"

"Why? Isn't he coming?"

"He just called. He won't come. I think it has something to do with his girlfriend. She's preventing him to do the things he wants to. Poor Louis." I clucked my tongue.

"Well, if she doesn't want him to come, he definitely can't. He values Carla that much. We can't do anything about it."

"But I want him to be at the party!" I shouted at the phone.

"Geez, you don't have to shout, Blair. Do you really want him to show up tonight?"


I can practically imagine him pursing his lips. "I'll see what I can do."

"Well, do everything you can!" I snapped.

He sighed. "I guess I'll see you tonight?"

"Don't bother to show up if you can't bring Louis with you."

"What? That's unfair, Blair! His decisions are beyond my control and-"

I hang up on him. Unfair and rude? Welcome to my world.


Later that day, I received yet another text message from Pierre. I've been receiving his text messages the whole day. He's really desperate. I might have pitied him, if it wasn't for a few cheesy (not to mention creepy) messages. Violet's right. It seems like he's obsessed with me. Like he worshipped me. Oh boy.

But this one's different. He's not begging me to come back to him or whatever creepiness he has in store. He said thank you for all the times we've shared and that I'll always have a special spot in his heart though I've inflicted him some damage (that line really made me flinch). He said that he understands that we're not meant for each other no matter how hard we try.

And I think he deserves an explanation coming from me.

"Blair?" he sound genuinely surprised when he picked up his phone.

"Uhm, Pierre, I'm sorry-"

"Hush. I don't want you apologizing for things you have no way to handle."

"But, at least, let me explain why-"

"No need to explain. I know everything I need to know." He was silent for a moment then continued, "I hope Harry will be good to you. You deserve someone better than me. Actually, you deserve the best because you're one of the best anyone could ever have. I love you, Blair. But then, I've always known that you care for him. Hell, maybe you even love that guy."

I started to protest but he cut me off immediately. "You're not supposed to interrupt while I was in the middle of saying something. Where am I again? Oh, right. One thing is for sure. He loves you, maybe even more than I do. Who's crazy enough to fly from New York to here in such a short notice when you needed someone to comfort you? Not to mention that he left in a middle of a tour. If that's not love, then, what do you call it?"

I smiled. Maybe he's right. "Thank you, Pierre."

"Anytime. Oh, and Blair?"


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